Delphinium Centurion

Among the numerous plants on flower beds in squares and private possessions, you can meet unusual, up to two meters high bright arrows - this delphinium. The plant has many varieties and all of them are beautiful in their own way. There are not only common everywhere ubiquitous species, but also terry, the diameter of the flowers of some reaches 8 cm.

Grades of the Delphinium

A very unusual hybrid of the delphinium plant "Centurion Sky Blue" . It is somewhat lower than its species counterparts and reaches a height of only one and a half meters, but its beautiful blue-colored flowers with a white center fascinate the view.

No less original looks delphinium "Centurion pink" - arrow of a gentle pink color with a lavender tint and white medium. Terry flowers have an unusual shape - not just two-rowed, but with very densely located petals. This plant will effectively look not only on the flowerbed, but also as a bouquet as a gift.

Delphinium "Crystal Fountain" of snow-white color up to two meters high raises its even, arched arrows. Incredible beauty terry gramophones will decorate any corner of the garden. Flowers are well cut and have a lot of spikelets.

The variety "Astolat" with unusual crimson flowers and a brown core has several underdeveloped petals, thanks to which this sort of delphinium looks very original and unusual.

Among the set of derived varieties, the following deserve special attention:

Cultivation of delphiniums

In order to get the first arrows of flowers by the end of summer, it is necessary to sow seeds in February-March. They proklyutsya in about two weeks and special care requires no more than other seedlings. In May-June Young plants are planted in open ground on the crooked soil.

Since the delphinium is a perennial plant to choose the place for it should be treated carefully, because here the flower will grow for about 10 years in a row. If all planting works are done on time, then in August you will see the first flowers. If you sow seeds in the open ground, the flowering will begin next summer.

It is noticed that the multiplication of the delphinium with the help of seeds does not give a positive result and from the beautiful bush they are not such babies at all. Therefore, propagation of this plant is carried out by cuttings.