Room flower "The Bride"

Indoor plants are able to transform any space, making the room more comfortable, and the air in it is fresh. However, in addition to the green leaves, we also want to enjoy beautiful flowers. The flower campaigning is remarkably suitable for decorating living quarters. His inflorescence in the form of a gentle bell can have a blue, lilac or white color. In the people these plants are often called "the bride and groom". The room flower "bride" is covered with snow-white bells, and the "groom" is decorated with bluish or light purple buds. Often the campaigner is given a wedding for the newlyweds, putting the "bride and groom" in one pot. It is believed that the plant will necessarily bring harmony and happiness to the new family. But if you like only one kind of this flower, you can plant it alone. Care for plants is the same, and in this article we will talk about how to grow indoor flowers "bride."

Planting Campanula

Because of the peculiarities of the root system of Campanula, planting it best is in a wide and not very deep pot. The fact is that this plant will not develop in height, but rather quickly release the creeping shoots, which will beautifully decorate your windowsill, or will fall down if the flower pot is installed in the flower pots. No special soil is needed, it will be wonderful to feel in a universal soil mixture.

Propagation of the Campanula

Reproduction of the flower "bride" can be carried out by simple division of the bush. However, it is necessary to prepare the plant for this event in advance. To do this, it is necessary to cut off all the greens in autumn, and when new shoots begin to appear on the bush, you can start dividing.

Cutting the "bride" with cuttings is also possible. To do this, cut off the young shoots of a plant about 10 cm long and place them in water. After the stem has taken root, you can transplant it into a pot.

Care for Kappa

Speaking about how to care for the indoor flower "bride", it must be mentioned that this plant is very fond of water. In the hot season, Campanula needs daily watering, and insufficient moisture can quickly destroy the flower.

Caring for the flower of the bride also requires regular feeding. Fertilize the plant can be 2-3 times a month with an ordinary complex fertilizer.

Do not forget to periodically remove dead and withered shoots, this will help prolong the life of the Campanula and the flower "bride" will please you for many years with its tender inflorescences.