How to grow a bonsai?

Bonsai - the so-called tiny decorative trees, which are grown in flat pots. This Japanese art has gained popularity with us. A lot of flower growers and gardeners tried to grow miniature trees on their lands, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeded. But we will open some secrets of how to grow bonsai properly.

How to grow a bonsai - a preparatory stage

First of all, you need to decide what you want to grow. There are many options, the most popular trees for bonsai are coniferous (Korean fir, pine, larch, cedar, thuja), deciduous (oak, beech, willow, birch). Pick up a tree with a height of 20-50 cm, with a well-developed root system. Too long roots or branches are cut off immediately. In how to grow a bonsai tree, it is important to choose the right capacity. A pot of natural materials should be shallow (5-20 cm), but wide. As for the soil, it is prepared from turf ground, clay and sand (3: 1: 1), and pre-calcined in the oven.

How to grow bonsai at home?

When planting on the bottom of the pot, first place a plastic mesh, drainage, and then lay the soil. The roots of the tree are laid horizontally, covered with earth, watered and placed in a place with scattered light. As to how to grow bonsai from seeds, then the inoculum is placed in small furrows, covered with earth and covered with film. Shoots usually appear in a few weeks. The first transplantation is made in a year.

Water bonsai not from above, but from below, placing a pot under the pot with claydite and water. Feeding is produced by fertilizers with a minimum content of useful substances.

The fundamental criterion in growing bonsai is the formation of the crown. This is done in the early spring for the second year of life. First it is important to slow down the growth of the tree. This is done by replanting in a leaner, loamy soil. The weakening of the tree is facilitated by cuts on the trunk, due to which the sap movement will decrease. Helps and pruning branches before flowering. The crown itself is formed by to your taste with the help of clamps, pegs and wire. It is wrapped around a branch or trunk in the place where a curvature is needed. Clips and pegs fix the branches for a strong bend.

In general, beginners are advised to start with the Benjamin ficus, as their trunks and branches are very flexible. Concerning how to grow a bonsai ficus, then it is not difficult. They use cuttings of a plant that are rooted in water, and then planted nearby in a pot. It is also interesting how you can grow bonsai from a lemon , or rather from its bones. First, on a southern window, the plant is germinated. Its trunk should be cut into cuttings, which are then rooted and planted in a pot.