The book "Domostroy"

Wanting to reproach someone for chauvinism in relation to family life, we are indignant: "Yes it's Domostroy some". But is this attitude to this book justified, perhaps in the conditions of modern society, some of its advice will be relevant?

Domostroy: A Little Story

The full name of this monument of Russian literature is "The Book Called Domostroy." It is believed that the work is the result of the collective work of several generations. Although the most famous version of the archpriest Sylvester - the confessor of Ivan the Terrible. Later, "The book called Domostroy" was updated by the hieromonk of Moscow's Chudov Monastery, and later by Hegumen Karion in the 17th century. In this edition, all the versions that existed at the time were merged.

Domostroy contained the rules of veneration of the tsar (prince), told about the management of the economy, spoke about the observance of religious laws, there was also a message from father to son. And most of all Domostroi's teachings on behavior of the wife, husband and children in the family are popular. These instructions cause a strong reaction, many ladies consider them frankly chauvinistic and sincerely sympathize with their women who lived in those times. But are our ancestors really worthy of sympathy, or did we pick up the tops and could not grasp the essence?

Domostroi rules for modern families

  1. The book says that a kind, silent, hard-working wife is a crown to her husband, she makes him more virtuous. But is this not so? Behind the backs of many successful men are their smart wives. Of course, for modern feminists to be in the shadow of a successful husband may seem unacceptable, but supporting her husband does not mean not to succeed in her sphere, the main thing is to choose her right.
  2. In the collection of instructions there are tips to communicate daily about the household. In the modern world, this instruction is also relevant - maybe not every day, but at least once a week to talk about home duties and the budget is worth. So you can really see who invests labor in the house.
  3. Domostroy instructs his wife to communicate only with those whom the husband will approve, and being on a visit to maintain a pleasant conversation and beware of drunk. All the advice is quite reasonable, except that getting permission from a husband can pock up a modern woman. Although asking my husband permission to meet with friends is a pretty good way to amuse male pride. The permission the husband all the same will give (if there are no tyrannical inclinations), and after such question the feeling of own importance at it will increase repeatedly.
  4. Also in the book there are recommendations not to condemn the people with whom you communicate, not to spread gossip and not to say bad words. Also a good advice - gossip and petty mischief happier did not do anybody, and the reputation of a lover of dirty rumors is very few people in life helps.
  5. Domostroy advises not to sit out at a party and not abuse drunk. And these tips are not devoid of the truth - too long meetings with the owners are a burden, and we all know what usually ends up all sorts of corporate parties and noisy feasts. Scandals, treason, occasions for rumors and gossip - all this is not necessary for anyone, so you need to leave the holiday, until it turns from fun into "disassembly."
  6. There are also tips on hospitality, the book instructs cordially to welcome everyone, talk to everyone and something to please. And is not this the basis for all modern communication techniques? Be friendly, find a kind word and a smile for every guest, and people will be grateful to you.
  7. If the husband sees that the farm is a mess, then it is his duty to instruct his wife. If she understands everything, then thank and favor, and if the wife does not follow the words of her husband, then she should be punished. And having punished, forgiven, but after each other evil does not hold and live in love and harmony. This point of Domostroi causes the greatest disagreement, but by making a discount for a while and adapting the advice to modern conditions, we receive a recommendation to be able to recognize our mistakes and allow mistakes to another. And in solving any problems, mutual respect and, of course, love should help.

It turns out Domostroy and for modern families can give a lot of useful advice, and chauvinism in the teachings is not observed. And for those who believe otherwise, history should be remembered - in times of constant wars and border skirmishes, it could not be otherwise, without being a military liable woman could not be considered the head of the family, so her husband's word was decisive. But in families where the mood was right, the spouses decided together, hence the wish "Advice and love".