False groats in children - symptoms and treatment

Many young parents face such a violation of the respiratory system in their children, like a false cereal. This condition almost always terrifies my mother and father very much, as a result of which they panic, are lost and do not know what to do.

Meanwhile, the correct tactics of the actions of parents during an attack of false cereal in a young child can save him from many of the severe consequences of this ailment. That is why it is important for young parents to know what a false cereal is, what symptoms accompany this disorder in children, and what its treatment is used in different situations.

What is a false cereal?

In medicine, this ailment is called in another way - acute stenosing laryngitis. In its essence, it is an inflammation of the larynx, in which its walls suddenly and sharply narrow, thereby provoking a serious difficulty in breathing and a threat of suffocation.

Causes of false cereal in children are always hidden in the ingestion of an infectious agent into the body of the baby, both viral and bacterial in nature. Most often this disease occurs against a background of parainfluenza, mainly in children in the age range from 6 months to 2 years.

In older children, the probability of developing a false croup syndrome is much lower. This is due to the fact that as the child grows, the dimensions of his internal organs become more and more, including the diameter of the larynx. Often, parents are interested in how many years children suffer from false cerebral cortex. Unfortunately, it is not possible to unequivocally answer this question, since the organism of each baby is individual, but on average in children after 5-7 years of manifestation of this disease no longer occur.

Also, moms and dads may have a question whether infectious croup is contagious in children. This syndrome is not transmitted from one child to another in any way, however, it should be borne in mind that its cause always lies in an infection that can be contagious.

Signs of a false cereal in children

As a rule, an attack of false croup in a baby comes completely unexpectedly and suddenly, mainly at night. A crumb awakes from the fact that it becomes extremely difficult for him to breathe, and his breathing becomes very specific. So, when the child breathes in, it creates the feeling that he "crows", and when exhales - there is a characteristic "barking" sound.

In addition, there is usually an abnormal croupous cough, because of which the baby is so overextended that his face acquires a bright red color. Under such circumstances, the croup attack in most cases passes independently and does not become the cause of severe consequences.

Meanwhile, in some cases, a false cereal can be extremely dangerous for children's health. As soon as possible, call for emergency medical attention if the attack is accompanied by the following symptoms:

What to do with a false croup in a child?

If a baby has an attack, parents, in the first place, need to calm down and objectively assess his condition. If there are no warning signs, in most cases it is enough to give the crumbs a warm steam, to ventilate the room well, or take the child to fresh air.

In all other cases it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, since procrastination can be extremely dangerous. As a rule, in such a situation, the crumb is hospitalized and placed in the hospital of a medical institution. Treatment of a false cereal in children in a hospital is usually reduced to the use of medicines of the following categories:

Unfortunately, attacks of stenosing laryngitis in a sick kid in most cases are repeated very often. Mom and dad in this situation already know how to treat false cereals in children, and how to alleviate the condition of your child during an attack. So, even before the arrival of the ambulance for rapid removal of the laryngeal edema, you can use a rectal Rectodel candle or independently make a crumb of a Dexamethasone prick, given the age-related dosage.