How to increase a child's self-esteem?

People treat us the same way we treat ourselves. With this statement it is difficult to argue. Many life achievements are directly related to the confidence of the person in himself and his forces. And the most important role in this matter is played by self-esteem. It is formed from the infant age and has a huge impact on the future life of a person, his actions, attitude to certain events and surrounding people. The development of a child's self-esteem and self-esteem is one of the most important tasks that parents must put before them in order to bring up a full-fledged personality.

Low self-esteem in a child - what to do?

Most educators are of the opinion that the character of a person is formed due to the environment in which it grows. If a person from early age is strongly encouraged and supported in his hobbies, then in adult life, he will feel the strength in any difficult matter and under any circumstances of life. But often parents make a huge mistake in education, not noticing that any of their phrases can seriously and permanently hurt the psyche of the baby. Examples of such phrases abound:

The influence of parents on the self-esteem of a child is enormous. A kid like a sponge absorbs every word spoken to him. If the child is told that he can not do anything and can not, then one can hardly count on his success in school, career and any activity. Let's consider a brief characteristic of a person with a low self-esteem:

These are just a few examples, in which a low self-esteem in a child may develop. Therefore, from an early age it is important to correct the situation and make the baby believe in yourself. And if you doubt whether your offspring has problems with self-esteem, you need to check it yourself or with the help of a psychologist.

As a rule, the diagnosis of a child's self-esteem is due to an analysis of his actions. With the first actions of the baby, the first mistakes also come. It is important at the very beginning of the child's life to teach him to adequately perceive his actions and be able to analyze them. The second important feature on which to pay attention is the attitude of the child to himself. If you notice that the baby is apathetic, not sociable and behaves insecurely in some situations, it is important to have a conversation with him and find out the reasons for this behavior. Perhaps they lie in the behavior of the parents themselves. By the way, the feeling of the dignity of the child is also affected by the way parents treat themselves to themselves. If the father or mother is constantly complaining about life and their failures, the child can adopt this attitude to life.

How to increase the self-esteem of the child, until it's too late?

Correction of self-esteem in children should be a focused and continuous process, as well as imperceptible for the baby. There are several ways for this:

1. Diversify the child's activities so that he has an opportunity to evaluate himself and his forces in action. For example:

2. Give the child the right to choose. This can manifest itself in any action, starting with that of which plate to eat or what toy to play and ending with a choice where to go for a walk and what kind of activity to do. Encourage any activity of the baby and his interest in various sections and hobbies. This will allow him to make his life choice.

3. Listening to music, fairy tales, songs or sounds of the environment will allow the child to learn to distinguish one sound from another, analyze and select a description of what has been heard. Later it will help the child to express his thoughts and emotions.

4. Joint activities with the child will not only provide comfort and self-confidence. Any arising question will be immediately satisfied by you, that will allow the child to get used to the surrounding world and to know it as widely as possible.

In addition to the above methods of increasing self-esteem in children, it is worth paying attention to how you yourself look from the outside and how you behave with the baby and with others. It is worth remembering that children learn life not only through the game, but also through imitation. Therefore, do not break down on the baby, if you had a difficult day, do not figure out the relationship with the child, do not punish or criticize him. Your positive example and explanation of why it is worth or not worth doing different actions will allow your child to make the right choice in life and build confidence. And then you will not have a question, how to raise a self-esteem for a child.