Weak labor activity - causes

One of the complications of the ancestral process is a weak generic activity, the causes of which may be different. This condition of the parturient woman is characterized by weak and very short contractions, which results in a slowing down of the opening of the uterine neck. As a result, the advancement of the fetus through the birth canal of a woman becomes impossible.

This pathology is most often observed in primiparous women. Obstetricians, with mild labor, have nothing to do but to stimulate uterine contraction, which is achieved by the introduction of appropriate drugs intravenously.

What are the types of weak labor?

Quite often, women do not know what the term "weak labor activity" means and does not suspect that it is of several kinds. It is customary to single out primary and secondary weak generic activities. The primary form is characterized by initial mild contractions. Secondary, on the contrary, the onset of labor is accompanied by sufficient contractions in intensity, which after a certain period of time weaken. As a result, the opening of the cervix does not occur.

Because of what can appear weak labor activity?

As already mentioned above, there can be many reasons why there is a weak labor activity. In some cases, they can not be installed. However, the most common are:

Prevention of weak labor activity plays a huge role. It is, first of all, in the psychophysiological preparation of a pregnant woman, which should be accompanied by the intake of vitamin complexes and compliance with the regime of the day.