How to cook pasta so that they do not stick together?

Sometimes even skilful hostesses face the problem of stuck together pasta. And if anyone only gets his first culinary experience, the incidents when cooking the product - it's the usual thing and often to separate the portions for filing is necessary, tearing them away from the sticky macaroni coma.

Today we will tell you how to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, keep the shape and remain friable even after cooling.

How to cook pasta in a saucepan - recipe



  1. First of all, you need to choose a pan of the correct volume. Ideal option for cooking a standard bundle of products weighing 400-500 grams will be a dish in the volume of five liters. It must be filled with water for two thirds, then put on a stove for boiling.
  2. It is recommended to salt water after the appearance of the first signs of boiling. At the same time, a couple of tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil should be added to the pan. This simple trick usually saves macaroni from sticking together, but on condition that they continue to properly prepare. And for this, the product should be poured into a container with boiling salted water and oil, and until the water boils repeatedly, intensively, but gently stir.
  3. If you suddenly hesitated and forgot the pasta, immersed in boiling water, mix - they with absolute probability will stick together and tightly adhere to the walls and to the bottom of the vessel.
  4. Cooking pasta should be as much as recommended by the producers of the product, but for one minute less, that is, to the state of al dente. Then they do not turn out to be too soft and they keep the shape better.

How to cook the pasta so that it does not stick together?

  1. Often you can find advice on the need to rinse pasta after cooking, to wash off the surface of starch. But in this case, not only starch is washed away, but the taste of the products as well, and the temperature of macaroni drops sharply and they become loose, soft and lose shape.
  2. Ready, correctly welded pasta must be drained to a colander, several times shake well, hold a minute over the sink and return to the pan.
  3. If the pasta will be served to the table immediately and without sauce, you can add a piece of butter to them and shake the items in a pan covered with a lid.
  4. For the preparation of inexpensive pasta, in quality much inferior to Italian pasta , you can use another effective trick that allows to reduce the adhesiveness of macaroni to zero. Products you just need to fry a little in a dry frying pan, literally for five minutes. Immediately after that, pour the pasta with salted boiling water right in the pan or we put them in a pan with boiling water and cook until ready. We take into account that the time of preparation of the products in this case is noticeably shortened - we try the macaroni for taste and in time we drain into a colander.

How to cook pasta "Nest", so as not to fall apart?

If you decide to cook pasta, twisted in the form of nests, and do not know how to make the products retain their original appearance, then specifically for you the following recommendations.

  1. Nests should be put in a saucepan or a wide saucepan at a distance from each other and pour boiling salted water so that it barely covers the products.
  2. We also add a little vegetable oil refined water, let the water boil, reduce heat and prepare the products taken according to instructions on the packaging time.
  3. Ready noodles one by one neatly noisy from the water, let the water drain, and we shift the products to the serving dish.