Dough for "Oresheks" in hazelnuts

"Nuts" is an original cookie, familiar to everyone since childhood. Delicious shortbread dough and delicious cream make this batch a real treat! Let's find out with you today how to prepare the dough in various ways in "Nuts" in hazelnuts.

The recipe for "Oresheks" in hazelnuts



To make a dough for "Oresheks" in hazelnuts, break eggs into a bowl, sprinkle cane sugar and quickly beat. Then spread the thick sour cream and add the softened creamy margarine. Soda is extinguished with table vinegar and also thrown into the dough. Pour gradually potato starch and carefully mix everything. At the very end, mix the flour and knead the fluffy soft dough. That's all, now you can get the hazel and go to baking cookies.

Dough for "Oresheks" in hazelnut for gas



Yolks are ground with a fork with sugar, we spread sour cream and pour in melted cold margarine. Then throw a pinch of soda and vanillin for flavor. All mixed with a spoon and pour in a little flour. We knead the soft dough and use it to make delicious "Ores" in the hazel.

The recipe for "Nuts" in the electric hazel



Butter is removed from the package and put into a saucepan. Put the dishes on the weakest fire and melt the contents to a liquid state. Then we throw sugar and mix thoroughly. Remove carefully the saucepan from the fire and cool it. In a spoon pour soda, pour vinegar and pour the pop into the oil. In a separate bowl, we break the eggs and mix them, without whipping. Add the egg mixture to our test and gradually pour in small amounts of flour in advance sifted through a strainer. All as it should, mixed with a special whisk and use the ready-made elastic dough for baking "Oreshek" in the electric hazel.