Litchi fruit - useful properties

Litchi fruit , despite the wide abundance of modern stores, is still considered quite an exotic guest on our shelves. This tropical fruit is ubiquitous throughout Asia, in the countries of North Africa, in the last few decades it has been cultivated in Europe, particularly in the southern regions of France. The birthplace of this fruit is China, so lychee is often called Chinese plum.

Lychee is appreciated for its excellent taste, widely used in cooking for a wide variety of dishes - salads, sauces, confectionery. Fruit is made from fruit pulp, wine, juice, and also canned.

Benefits of litchi fruit

The flesh of the fruit, hidden by the prickly skin, is a white or cream jelly. It has a unique refreshing sweet and sour taste and a magnificent aroma. Litchi fruit in addition to the excellent taste has a number of useful properties, which are due to its biochemical composition.

The litchi contains pure water, which is a special value for tropical latitudes. In addition, in this fruit, a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals that can significantly replenish the balance of the body, strengthen immunity and restore strength.

  1. Lychee vitamins are high in ascorbic acid - more than 70 mg per 100 g of pulp, group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), niacin (PP), phylloquinone (K), choline and vitamin E.
  2. The mineral composition includes a whole complex of micro- and macro elements - potassium 170 mg, phosphorus 30 mg, magnesium 10 mg, calcium 5 mg, copper 148 μg, smaller doses contain selenium, manganese, iron, fluorine, zinc, sodium, iodine.

Dietary fiber lychee helps cleanse the intestine and improve its peristalsis. Nutritionists recommend eating this fruit to people who have digestive problems, suffer diseases of breathing, decline of strength and endocrine disorders. For everyone who wants to lose weight, this fruit is a very valuable dietary product, as it helps to accelerate the metabolism, removes waste and regulates hormonal balance.

With a caloric content of only 66 kcal lychee satisfies our need for many vitamins and minerals, cleans and stimulates the digestive tract, providing a complex effect on all body systems. This fruit has virtually no contraindications, they should not be abused if you are prone to food allergies and try with caution for the first time.