Goose-pie cookies

If you love cottage cheese and products based on it, and the cheese cakes and casseroles are already rather boring, then the curd cake "Goose paws" is exactly what you like. Even children, which are sometimes so difficult to force to eat cottage cheese, with pleasure weave this delicacy. This recipe is already quite many years. Having tried the "crow's feet" from the cottage cheese, you yourself will feel the taste of childhood and, perhaps, remember that they once ate these pechenyushki.

We suggest you pamper your family and have a tea party with delicious biscuits. And we'll show you how to cook Goosebumps.

Cookies "Goose paws" - recipe



Melting butter melted in a water bath or in a microwave. We leave it to cool slightly. Cottage cheese grind through a sieve and add eggs or whisk in a blender, put 1 tablespoon of sugar. The rest of the sugar will go to powder. Now add the baking powder mixed with a small amount of flour, vanilla sugar and mix well. Now slowly add flour, continuing to vymeshivat. You should get a homogeneous, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

Roll the dough into a layer about 3-4 mm thick. A glass of the correct diameter cut out the circles. In a bowl we pour sugar, dip each circle into it with one side and turn it in half. Sugar should be inside. Once again, we dip one side into sugar and turn sugar in again. You have triangles - paws. Now press each leg with a fork. Above, a little more sugar. We cover the trays with parchment paper, lay out "paws". It is not necessary to closely close the stack, so that the biscuit does not stick together during baking, as it will increase in size. Bake approximately 20-25 minutes, until the moment when the dessert is golden. All is ready! But we warn that baking "Goosebumps" flies very quickly, therefore, it is probably better to prepare a double portion immediately.

This recipe "Goose paws" can be slightly corrected. For example, make this cookie with a filling as well. It is very tasty with cherries. To do this, we remove the bones from the cherry and spread one piece on each circle, and then we dunk it in sugar and prepare further according to the recipe. As a filling, you can use any berries, fruits, and can and jam. This is how you like it.

Shortbread cookie

In addition to the classic recipe for preparing "Goose paws" we will tell you another interesting option.



Eggs beat up with sugar, there on a large grater three margarine, we add mayonnaise, we extinguish with a vinegar a teaspoon of soda, well we mix. Now gradually introduce flour, kneading the elastic dough. The amount of flour can vary depending on the quality of the flour itself and the size of the eggs, so just check that the dough does not come out hard. We proceed to the most interesting: we put the dough into slices, rotate it, when the necessary portion comes out, carefully cut it with a knife and put it on a baking sheet. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Ready cookies can tear with powdered sugar. Have a nice tea!