Diprospan - indications for use

As with antibiotics, a number of drugs based on glucocorticoid hormones have a broad spectrum of action. One of them is Diprospan - indications for use include joint diseases, pathologies of internal organs and systems, and dermatological lesions.

Indications and contraindications for injections of diprospan

The medication was developed on the basis of betamethasone, which is a synthetic analogue of natural hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. This substance produces an extensive list of effects:

The drug is available in the form of a liquid suspension for injections. Manipulations are carried out inside the joints, muscles, tissues, skin or inflammation focus. In addition, the injections are made intra-abdominally or in the periarthric bag.

Here's what Diprospan is used for:

Side effects with long courses of therapy:

It is also important to consider contraindications:

Treatment by Diprospan

The most common intramuscular injection of the drug. The procedure involves the use of 1 ml of suspension, and when heavy states - 2 ml. The injection should be done deeply, choosing large muscles to avoid penetration of the substance into the surrounding tissues and subcutaneous tissue.

Local injections are also carried out, mainly for the therapy of joint diseases. The required amount of solution is from 0.5 to 2 ml.

Treatment with diprospinal calcaneal spur and keloid scars is performed through subcutaneous injections. Preliminary anesthesia, as a rule, is not necessary, in rare cases Novokain, Lidocaine (if the spur is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome) is used. Enter 0.5 ml of the suspension directly into the affected area. Intervals between injections - 7 days. Therapy continues until the desired effect is achieved, usually a course of 4-6 injections.