Badyaga from stretch marks

One of the home remedies for wrestling with stretch marks (striae) is a bastard. It is a raw material obtained from the freshwater sponge of the coelenterate order. The remedy consists of many small needles that cause burning, getting on the skin, and has a very specific smell.

Action badyagi

The badger grinds the skin, accelerating the renewal of the epidermal cells. Such a "deep peeling" will help, if there is no possibility to conduct salon procedure of grinding. By causing tingling, the buckyard contributes to the activation of blood flow, has a resolving effect, improves skin breathing and narrows the pores.

Badyaga effective against the "fresh" stretch marks in red. If the striae have already managed to whiten, it will be extremely difficult to remove them.

Where to buy badyag?

This cheap drug is sold at every pharmacy. Banyag from stretch marks is released as a gel, cream and powder.

To control the striae, the powdered sponge is especially effective, since it is completely natural. Creams and gels contain auxiliary substances, because they are considered less effective. However, for the first application, the gel is also suitable, for example - "Badyaga Fort", which helps both stretch marks, post-puncture, and stagnant spots.

It is convenient to mix the powder with a gel or cream, as in the latter, in addition to flavors and colorants, there are also components that accelerate the regeneration of cells.

Precautionary measures

Being a very active tool, a bad guy can do harm if your skin is too sensitive. Before the first application it is necessary to conduct an allergic reaction test.

To do this, mix the powder of fresh water with a small amount of water to form a gruel. It is applied to a small patch of skin and waiting for 3 minutes. A slight burning, redness and tingling is normal reaction, but if you feel unbearable pain, then there is an individual intolerance, and you can not use banyag from stretch marks. With a gel or cream you need to conduct a similar test.

It is inadmissible to use badyagi if the skin is inflamed or there are scratches, microcracks and other injuries on it. It is necessary to watch, that the bad guy has not got on mucous membranes and a skin around of eyes. The product should be applied only in gloves.

Preparation of fresh squirrel

If you decide to use a stretch of powdered buckwheat, the prescription will depend on the type of skin.

If in addition to the powder you have a badyaga gel or cream, it will effectively mix them together until you get a gruel.

Application of badyagi

Before the procedure, take a shower and scrub those places where there are stretch marks. You can use any scrub, the best - home based on salt and coffee.

Then, the skin is wiped dry and put on the stria cooked remedy, not forgetting about gloves. Badyag 3 - 5 minutes rubbing light circular motions. Then the remedy is left for 15 to 30 minutes, the problem area can be wrapped with a food film. Follow-up procedure is given by pricking.

To remove a buckwheat conveniently moistened in water with a cotton disc. Then wash the skin with cool water. Apply any funds to the treated striae, otherwise there will be a burn. You can sprinkle the skin with talcum powder. 2 - 3 days after the stretch procedure can not be wet. All this time you will feel a slight tingling. Then striae will be covered with a crust, which must be continued to be sprinkled with talcum powder. Remove the crust can not - it should peel itself. Then the procedure is repeated.

Badyaga from stretch marks gives effect after the first application, and to remove striae completely allows a course of 10 procedures.