Cyclotymia - what is it, symptoms and treatment

Nervous disorders today have become something ordinary and no one is surprised. Many periodically experience mood swings, when the positive mood gives way to melancholy and a sense of fatigue. Such states are usually caused by certain events of our life, and the normal mood soon returns, but it also happens in another way.

What is cyclothymia?

It happens that not only during the day, but also for a longer period of time, a person develops unmotivated mood swings . In this case, they can take extreme forms: from euphoria to severe attacks of depression. In this case, it is customary to talk about a disease that can develop and progress, sometimes throughout life. All this - the signs of a disease called cyclothymia - is a mental disorder that can go into a state of chronic disease and severe forms leading to psychosis.

Cyclotymia - Causes

The causes of the illness of cyclothymia lie in childhood and adolescence and are often associated with fears and experiences deeply traumatizing the fragile nervous system and the negative background that has long been preserved in individual families. Experts argue that the disease can be hereditary. When it comes to long-term depressive conditions, cyclothymia and dysthymia are usually considered, where the second implies a permanent stay in a state of depression, against which a stable mental disorder is formed.

Cyclotemia can develop in sufferers:

Cyclotymia - symptoms

Symptoms are usually not perceived by the diseased as signs of illness. They note mood swings: from deep depression to a suddenly rising mood, not realizing that the disease cyclothymia is starting to progress. At the same time they adequately react to the joyful and difficult events that happen in life. However, over time, psychological problems make themselves felt, and the symptoms of an illness become more pronounced:

Cyclotemia - treatment

Before the patient is diagnosed with a "cyclothymia", the doctor conducts an examination and studies the results of the examination, since his symptoms may be similar to other psychiatric ailments. At the same time the terms of treatment are not established and can last a lifetime. As a result, complex treatment is prescribed, including medical and psychotherapeutic help, which includes:

Cyclothemia - how to treat?

The information that the time of treatment is not limited, raises the question, whether cyclothymia is treated or not, especially since it can be considered as one of the forms of manic-depressive psychosis. Treatment is applied, and methods and terms depend on the patient's condition. In especially severe cases, characterized by a state of deep depression, and during the seasonal exacerbations occurring in the spring and autumn, treatment is recommended in a hospital in a psychiatric setting. In lighter forms, when cyclothymia is not a concern, antidepressant medication is used.

Cyclotymia and genius

The society is rich with talented people, as for geniuses, it is rare pearls of mankind that fascinate with their talent and create immortal literary works, picturesque canvases, masterpieces of architecture make outstanding discoveries in the field of science and technology. Psychiatric science has proved that genius is directly related to cyclotomy, accompanied by manic-depressive psychoses (MDP).

As a rule, after severe depression, there is an upsurge of mood, physical and mental activity, which stimulates the cerebral cortex, activates the brain centers and promotes the creation of masterpieces of human thought. Studies have proven that the TIR suffered F. Dostoevsky, N. Gogol, Van Gogh, Edgar Poe, DG Byron and other celebrities who proved that life with cyclotimia is possible, although not simple. It is capable of awakening creative thought and contributing to the creation of genius creations.

Consequences of cyclothymia

If we talk about frequent mood changes and recurring attacks, it is important to understand that cyclothymia is a disease that requires attention and treatment and is capable of causing problems not only among the patients themselves, but also their surroundings. So, during attacks, conflicts with relatives and friends, colleagues at work are possible. In childhood and adolescence, there are breakdowns in learning, problems in communication.

In the service there can be periods of unprecedented creative upsurge and complete detachment from cases, failure to perform assigned tasks. Given the mental instability of those suffering from cyclotomy, they should not be entrusted with work related to the operation of complex mechanisms, the repair and driving of transport, the training and education of children. In addition, it is necessary to exclude factors that cause mood swings in the patient.