Diarrhea in Pregnancy

Diarrhea that occurs during pregnancy, in addition to the mass of discomforts delivered to a woman, causes her to worry and think about what is wrong, and how this phenomenon can affect the further course of the gestational process. To prevent this from happening, every future mother should clearly visualize herself when diarrhea speaks of a simple digestive disorder, and when it is a sign of impairment.

So, if this is observed for 1-2 days, there is no accompanying symptomatology (pain and rubbing in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever) - most likely the pregnant woman is dealing with a common digestive disorder. This is often noted during the bearing of the baby, especially in those cases, the code of the future mother introduces into the diet a new product that was not used in pregnancy.

What are the main causes of diarrhea in pregnancy?

It is worth repealing that there are many. That's why the pregnant woman herself quite often can not identify the one that caused the violation in a particular case. Considering this fact, at the first manifestations the future mother should inform the doctor about it.

If we specifically mention the possible causes of diarrhea during gestation, then, besides the above-mentioned digestive disturbance, it is also necessary to name the following:

  1. Intestinal infection is the most dangerous of the possible causes. It develops mainly in those cases when it is exogenous in the digestive tract, i.e. from the outside, pathogenic microorganisms fall: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, etc. In such situations, it can not do without an increase in body temperature, deterioration in overall health, nausea, vomiting. If this symptom occurs, you should consult your doctor.
  2. Taking medications, which can also provoke diarrhea during pregnancy. As an example, we can mention medications containing iron in their composition . They are prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, which is often noted during pregnancy.
  3. Changing the psychological state - the constant experiences and stresses associated with the process of gestation, can also have a negative effect on digestion.

What to do and how to treat diarrhea that occurs during pregnancy?

To begin with, it must be said that the taking of any kind of medication should be coordinated with the doctor who observes pregnancy. However, if a woman does not have the opportunity to visit him in the near future, then some harmless folk methods of fighting diarrhea can be used.

First and foremost, it's all known rice, a product that can bind toxins, remove them from the body. When preparing it, it is necessary to take into account a certain nuance: do not wash strongly so that after cooking it is not crumbly.

Also in such cases, you can use a boiled pear: cut a small fruit, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil on low heat after boiling for 15 minutes. Then it is necessary to insist the broth for 2 hours, covered tightly with a lid. After a while, drain and take 100 ml 4 times a day.

If you talk about the fact that you can still take from diarrhea during pregnancy, then you need to name such drugs as activated carbon, Polyphepanum, Enterosgel. However, they all require agreement with the doctor.

Special attention should be paid to the restoration of the pregnant woman's recovery of the volume of fluid in the body, which quickly leaves him with diarrhea. Drinking is necessary a lot, and the best is ordinary water. To restore the salt balance, you can use the drug Regidron.