Pregnancy after curettage

Scraping of the uterine cavity is an instrumental manipulation, which is carried out for the purpose of interrupting an unwanted pregnancy, removing the remnants of the fetal egg with a dead pregnancy and spontaneous abortion. And also for stopping bleeding with metrorrhagia (uterine bleeding). If a woman does not have a problem with conception, then pregnancy may occur within a month after scraping (during the subsequent ovulation). We will look at how quickly pregnancy should be planned after cleaning the uterus.

Planning pregnancy after curettage

To plan pregnancy immediately after scraping doctors - gynecologists do not recommend, since after this manipulation the inner surface of the endometrium resembles a healing wound. Such a woman needs a period of rehabilitation (recovery). It is necessary to take antibacterial and antifungal drugs, abstain from sexual activity for at least one week.

Planning pregnancy depends on the reason for scraping. So, for example, pregnancy after scraping a frozen pregnancy or the remains of a fetal egg after a spontaneous abortion is not recommended to plan earlier than six months later. In this case, an important role is played by hormonal shock, which the woman suffered in connection with the interrupted pregnancy.

Secondly, it is expedient to determine the reason why the pregnancy ceased to develop or was interrupted. These can be hormonal abnormalities, various infections that are sexually transmitted and others. Before planning the next pregnancy, the listed problems should be eliminated.

And, for example, pregnancy after hysteroscopy with scraping the polyp or hyperplastic endometrium can be planned in 2-3 months. In this case, the body does not experience hormonal stress and the consequences of this manipulation are minimal.

Why should not you plan pregnancy immediately after a normal or vacuum cleaning of the uterus?

As already mentioned, scraping for abortion is a very strong hormonal stress for the body. After it, the menstrual cycle is broken, disruptions occur in the work of endocrine organs such as the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Not earlier than in half a year the hormonal background of the woman can come to an initial level.

The second point for pregnancy planning is an examination for inflammatory lesions of the uterus and appendages, especially if they are caused by sexual infections. Infections that are sexually transmitted can maintain a constant inflammatory process in the pelvic organs and lead to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. If you do not try to eliminate the listed problems in the body of a woman before the next pregnancy, then she can either stop developing or end with a spontaneous abortion.

A woman whose pregnancy ended in miscarriage or fading should undergo a series of clinical and laboratory examinations and get a consultation from a geneticist.

Thus, curettage of the uterus cavity is not a short-term harmless manipulation, but an operative intervention that requires adequate restorative treatment. A woman who has undergone curettage of the uterus cavity is not able to bear and give birth to a full-fledged child if she becomes pregnant in the first month after scraping. If a woman has a pregnancy, she needs to register with a woman's consultation as soon as possible and follow all the recommendations of the treating doctor.