How to treat lactostasis?

Lactostasis is the process of accumulation in the mammary gland of the nursing mother of milk, which is due to the difficulty of its normal outflow. Its characteristic manifestation is the appearance of a small compaction in the chest, which is easy to detect when probed. In addition, the naked eye can see the expansion of blood vessels. Often there is an increase in body temperature (in severe cases, it can be 40-41 degrees). After expressing the women note a slight improvement in the condition.

Causes and ways of development

In order to prescribe the treatment of lactostasis, it is necessary to establish exactly its causes. The main ones are:

Often, lactostasis is caused by the mother's complete refusal to breast-feed the baby. In addition, a violation of the outflow of produced milk can contribute to close underwear, hypothermia of the mammary glands, psychological stress.

How does lactostasis occur?

In the first days, after successfully passed birth, there is increased lactation. In most cases, the child does not suck out all the milk, and it, remaining in the milk ducts, causes an increase in pressure in the lobules of the gland. As a result, an infiltration is observed in the stagnation region, and the chest swells. When palpation, the iron becomes painful and densified.

After the first birth, there is also a difficulty in outflow, which is related to the anatomical features of the mammary gland, the ducts of which are narrow and convoluted. Because of the increased pressure, the amount of milk produced decreases sharply, which can lead to the cessation of lactation.

Signs of lactostasis

Knowing the main symptoms of lactostasis, a young mother with the first suspicions on him, should see a doctor for the appointment of treatment. Its main manifestation is the formation of seals in the glandular tissue of the breast. The woman is constantly tormented by a feeling of heaviness of the chest, bursting. When breastfeeding a prolonged, without timely treatment, lactostasis can cause a rise in body temperature, because of which the woman notes fever in the chest. Symptoms tend to become less noticeable after breastfeeding, but the process itself can be accompanied by painful sensations.


The main question that arises in young mothers who have encountered such a problem is: "How to treat lactostasis"? For its treatment, a woman should ensure the maximum possible emptying of the breast from milk. Treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother should be aimed at expanding the ducts of the mammary glands, which is facilitated by warming, as well as breast mammary massage.

Often, women in the treatment of lactostasis at home resort to folk remedies and methods. An example of this can be the use of cabbage leaves, which wrap the chest. Also, some women notice the good effect of using grated carrots, honey or linseed oil. In this case, it is not necessary to treat these cracks with a nipple as well as an areola.

The feeding itself should be carried out as often as possible, but no more than 1 time in 2 hours. This will ensure maximum emptying of the glands. It is important that the woman, first of all, give the child a sick chest, since at first he sucks more actively.

With long, prolonged lactostasis and infection, resort to medication, the use of antibiotics. This situation occurs as a result of improper treatment of lactostasis at home. All medications should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, in accordance with the individual characteristics of the woman.