What is fidelity - the definition of loyalty and friendship, love, duty?

What is fidelity is a multifaceted concept that permeates many spheres of human existence. Without loyalty to oneself, loved ones, people, society, their profession and the state, a person can not be considered a mature person and develop spiritually.

What is fidelity - the definition

Loyalty belongs to the category of moral and ethical concepts - it is a virtue characterized by perseverance and immutability of feelings in relationships, the performance of duty to relatives, society, the Motherland. Loyalty and betrayal are two sides of the same coin and if loyalty is reliability, permanence, firmness, inviolability and faith, then betrayal is a violation of fidelity. It is believed that the higher mammals (dogs, cats) can also be faithful and devoted to their masters.

Do you need loyalty to a modern person?

Loyalty and betrayal are two antagonistic concepts, almost like good and evil. Modern man is already largely not guided by the principles and values ​​of the past, and yet fidelity is something that everyone wants for himself. To be faithful and deceived is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, treason always leaves its imprint on the soul. The deceived person ceases to trust, closes in himself or, worse, starts revenge, justifying it by using and betraying him.

Is faithfulness always good?

Why there is a choice between loyalty and betrayal are the individual reasons that pushed a person to make this choice. What people are guided by at the time of betrayal or betrayal, can be despair or instinct of self-preservation in the face of the threat of life, no one knows. People like to condemn, seeing only the tip of the iceberg, not assuming that in fact prompted a person to make such a choice, so whether the loyalty is always good - the answer to this question will be different in the context of the specific context of the situation:

Faithfulness in love

When two love each other, others simply cease to exist. For each pair this period of enjoyment of each other can take different times. Love is not separated from trials, someone passes them without changing themselves and loved ones, someone has a need to prove to another that "I can do it without you!" Playing on feelings through treason. Love is different, sometimes changing does not cease to love, but how hard it is to be deceived. How faithfulness and love are connected - to this question loving couples who have lived together for dozens of years, respond as follows:

Loyalty in friendship

How are loyalty and friendship connected? Very closely - real friendship is unthinkable without loyalty and dedication. Very rare phenomenon, when friendship passes the test of time and people are friends for life - this is a valuable gift that should be cherished. Loyalty to a friend is:

Loyalty to Debt

What is duty and loyalty, is there that which unites these concepts? Loyalty and duty permeate all spheres of human life. People are involved in different social roles:

And each of these roles involves, apart from pleasant moments, the observance of certain obligations, actions guided by the impulses of how it should be right. Loyalty to duty in these areas is manifested in different ways, but in general it is the desire to be in harmony with yourself and those values ​​that have not changed for centuries:

  1. In the family, loyalty to duty is well revealed in the Bible, connecting oneself by marriage, a man and a woman promise to be in "grief and joy", to jointly manage the economy and raise children.
  2. Loyalty to its state and country assumes duty in the event of military operations or emergency situations to show patriotism and come to the rescue, defend the homeland even at the cost of their lives.
  3. Loyalty and public duty consists in the aspiration of the person to improve the life of people, the ecological situation through certain actions, actions, and discoveries.
  4. Fidelity between the allied countries lies in the duty and obligation of the leaders of states to each other: mutual assistance in difficult situations, assistance in industrial development.

Loyalty to the profession

The fidelity of one's profession involves love of the chosen cause and dedication. There are many professions, without loyalty and devotion to which there is no point in being in this specialty. For example, a medical case requires a huge return of one's strength, time, a good doctor does not belong to himself. People who are faithful professions do not think of themselves outside of it, they are often workaholics, such people are called the luminaries of the chosen path and all their life they devote to this path. Personal benefit here plays the last role.

Loyalty to yourself

What is fidelity to yourself? In past centuries, this meant more faithfulness to one's principles and nobility, reliance on the inner censor- conscience , a person could not act differently and was guided by internal principles, and today there are such people. But being true to yourself is not only the prerogative of worthy personalities, there are those who are true to themselves in their worst manifestations - be it cunning, insidiousness, the use of unseemly methods in their arsenal.

How do you show fidelity to yourself: