Diuretic herbs - an application in folk medicine

In folk medicine used a huge number of plants, which have a wide range of useful properties. In some diseases, diuretic herbs are important, which have a mild effect and have a minimum of contraindications.

Diuretic herbs for hypertension

Plants with a diuretic effect are included in the combined treatment for hypertension. Diuretic herbs are important for patients in that they remove excess fluid from the body, which causes blood pressure to grow. It is important to consider that some plants can be contraindicated due to the presence of other diseases and individual intolerance. More often when hypertension is used such plants:

  1. Bearberry . This diuretic herb under pressure still has antibiotic and astringent action.
  2. Yarrow . This plant relieves excess water not only through urine, but also sweat, and it also has a sleeping pills.
  3. Birch buds . They are recommended not only for hypertension, but also for puffiness, bladder diseases and heart problems.

Decoction of birch buds



  1. Note that the kidneys should be collected early in the spring before the leaves bloom.
  2. Pour the raw material with boiling water and cook on low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. After this, persist the remedy for 6 hours. Take 0.5 tbsp. per day after meals.

Diuretic diuretics

People who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus are useful diuretics in order to reduce swelling and reduce the symptoms of hypertension. It is important to consider that not all plants are suitable for such patients, so it is important to select folk remedies with a doctor. The best diuretic herbs for diabetics are:

  1. One of the most useful is the cudweed, from which they prepare a decoction, and they also add to the healing baths.
  2. To get rid of excess fluid in the body can be with the help of berries or the root of black elderberry. This plant in addition has a calming effect.

Collection for the normalization of blood sugar levels



  1. First, mix the vegetable raw materials and take a large spoon collection. Pour all the water, first bringing it to a boil.
  2. Put the stove on a small fire and cook for 5 minutes. After that, wrap the container with a towel or pour it all in a thermos bottle. Duration of infusion - 1 h. Take infusion should be 100 ml three times a day.

Diuretic herbs for cirrhosis of the liver

With liver diseases, diuretics are necessary in order to minimize the risk of ascites, which provokes swelling. If you do not use them, then cirrhosis can lead to a violation of the hemodynamics of the body. Strong diuretic herbs are recommended for liver diseases:

  1. Rosehips . In addition, the plant displays excess fluid, it has a pronounced choleretic effect, reduces inflammation and positively affects immunity.
  2. Corn Cobs . Describing effective diuretic herbs in edema, it is worth pointing out and this herbal ingredient, the rich composition of which causes a complex effect on the body, so it saves excess fluid and bile, fights inflammation and stops bleeding.
  3. Leaves of field artichoke . The substances included in the composition cause a diuretic effect and provoke the formation of bile and excrete it.

Broth from the dog rose



  1. Dry berries must be ground using any method, and pour boiling water.
  2. Put everything on a small fire and cook for a couple of hours without bringing the liquid to a boil.
  3. After that, the broth is still insisted for a couple of hours and take 100 ml to five times a day.

Diuretic herbs for cystitis

Treatment of this female disease necessarily includes the use of diuretics. The popularity of folk methods of treatment is due to mild action and minimal risk of side effects. Diuretic herbs with cystitis in women are necessary for rapid emptying of the bladder and removal of bacteria and infections.

The most common and effective plants are field horsetail and sporach. It should be borne in mind that the first herb contains toxic substances, so it should be used only with the permission of a doctor who correctly selects the dosage. Such diuretic herbs are not recommended for a long time. As for sporasses, the diuretic effect is not so strong, so to get a therapeutic effect, tea from this plant needs to be consumed for a long time. Note that it reduces pressure when used for a long time.

Infusion of tansy and chamomile flowers



  1. In a glass, pour in the vegetable components and pour them with boiling water to the top.
  2. Insist for 10 min. and you can take. Drink infusion recommended in hot form for 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Diuretic herbs for mastopathy

Many people do not understand what could be the connection between diuretics and formations in the mammary glands, but in fact, in cyclical mastopathy caused by premenstrual syndrome, there is a strong puffiness. In this situation it is important to know which herb is diuretic and harmless with such a diagnosis:

  1. Agrimony . Extract from the stems effectively removes swelling, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is worth mentioning the fact that thanks to carotene and vitamin C, the plant removes toxins from the breast.
  2. Radiol . Describing useful diuretic herbs, this plant can not be overlooked, since it not only removes excess fluid, but also eliminates viruses and infections. Folk remedies based on radioloids purify the body, slow down the spread of cancer cells and promote the normalization of reproductive functions.

Infusion of root burdock



  1. Chop the root with hot water and insist for an hour and strain using a gauze folded in two layers.
  2. Take infusion should be three times a day before meals. Dividing the volume into three equal portions. The preparation should be prepared every day, since it is not intended for long-term storage.

Diuretic herbs in chronic renal failure

Since the kidneys are the organ responsible for filtering urine, many diseases lead to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. In chronic renal failure, the following diuretic herbs from the edema are useful:

  1. Nettles . Burning plant not only relieve excess fluid, but also has a choleretic, antiviral and restorative effect.
  2. Parsley . Decoctions and infusions of this plant improve the functioning of the intestine and urinary system. You can use not only the leaves, but also the seeds and roots.
  3. Birch leaves . The plant has a mild diuretic effect, but while strengthening urine, it does not have a big burden on the kidneys.

Infusion of parsley and burdock root



  1. Mix the vegetable raw materials and fill it with water, given that for 1 tbsp. mixture should account for 5 tbsp. boiled water.
  2. Insist in a dark place for a day and strain. Take 0.5 tbsp. before meals.

Diuretic Herbs for Weight Loss

Phytotherapy for those who want to lose weight is effective due to the removal of excess fluid, the body cleansing of toxins and metabolic products. It is important to use herbs with a diuretic effect as an additional technique, but you do not need to abuse them, because you can damage your health. They are recommended for use with a tendency to edema and cellulite. Effective diuretic herbs for swelling of the face and other parts of the body: gray stellate, cowberry leaves, horsetail , oregano and sage.

Herbal diet for weight loss



  1. Mix all the herbal ingredients and take only 15 g of the ready-made meal.
  2. Put in a thermos, pour boiling water and insist 5 hours. It will only drain and drink 50 ml three times a day.

Diuretic Herbs in Bodybuilding

Before the competition, athletes in order to better depict the relief of the body sit on the dryer, which implies the removal of excess water from the body. Diuretics are used for this purpose. A softer and safer action has herbs of diuretic action:

  1. Leaves bearberry . The composition contains flavonoids that increase diuresis, as well as substances that have antibacterial effect. In case of kidney disease, the plant is prohibited.
  2. Grass horsetail field . Decoction of this plant has not only a diuretic, but also a disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Cowberry leaves . This plant component has a mild diuretic effect, and it is also considered a good antiseptic and effectively fights inflammation.

Infusion of bearberry leaves



  1. Raw the water with hot water and put on a water bath for half an hour. During this time, some of the liquid will evaporate.
  2. After this, strain and add the missing water. You need to drink 30 g three times a day after eating.

Diuretic herbs - side effects

Many plants can provoke various disorders in the work of the body and especially if you consume them for a long time and without observing the dosage. Medicinal diuretic herbs often provoke nausea and upset stomach. In addition, dehydration of the body and decrease the volume of circulating blood can occur. If side effects occur, immediately stop using diuretics.