Divination by Tarot cards for the future

There are few who do not deign at least a little, but open the curtain of their future life. If you think about it, there are quite a few curious. Here in such cases, some resort to fortune-telling in all the known Tarot.

The layout of tarot cards for the future is that the fortune-telling attributes are laid out in three rows of nine cards. The figure shows how the maps are placed, you can determine the digits of each of them and, accordingly, find out what the corresponding images mean.

5, 1, 7 - determine your thoughts and feelings, emotions and feelings .

8, 2, 6 - open up your fear and, dreams, desires that have not come true, and you are disappointed because of them.

Note: the cards on the left under the numbers 23, 17, 11, 21, 15, 9, 3, 26, 20, 14 - determine your past.

And the cards on the right by numbers 13, 19, 25, 4, 10, 16, 22, 12, 18, 24 - show your future and readiness for something new.

Important is one fact: the closer the map to the map S, the sooner or not your future or past.

A card under number 27 - can assume a possible result.

It is known that tarot cards not only predict the future, but also give clues how this can be changed.

Tarot cards have a very ancient origin, and their history is written a lot of scientific and artistic works. The main information of these scientific works is about the inseparable connection of the map and the human psyche, which is still a mystery to everyone, regardless of education. If the divination has begun and you need to lay out tarot cards for the future, then there is no way back.

For those who are interested in the question "Divination by a person using tarot cards", we offer for your consideration one more way of guessing on the Tarot cards for the future with the help of three cards.

Tarot: 3 cards of the future

This layout is very simple, you just need to decompose the three cards and turn them around. Each of them will reveal to you a veil over the past, the future and the present.

The picture shows what each of the cards means. Also with the help of this scenario you can find the answer to the question interesting you. To think of some situation and with the help of maps to suggest how it will evolve.

The first map is the past, which influenced today's present.

The second map is the current present.

The third card is the future, it shows only that outcome in those actions that you are doing now.

Probably, you think that tarot cards predicting for the future will give you a bright prospect, but be prepared for the most unpredictable answers. And know that what you see can completely change only because you learned about it. Be careful.