Does size matter?

The question of whether size matters, worries men (and sometimes women) for a long time. Especially now, when the Internet is full of advertising ads about the increase in the penis. It's time to dot the "i", once and for all, determining how important the size is.

The question of whether a penis size matters, women should decide, right? His pleasure man will receive in any case, but for a partner he is going through. However, these experiences are often groundless, since most women experience during sexual intercourse not vaginal, but clitoral orgasm, for which the size of the penis in principle can not make any difference.

In women's conversations about whether the size of the penis is important, you can hear complaints about too large a body, because it gives pain. In this case, a large size may be perceived as worse than a small one. That is why the myth that "the more, the better" does not have any real grounds. In this sense, the size of the penis is important except that only for pornography.

In psychological terms, the size of the penis is important if the man is complex because of this. Because a confident man can easily find a way to satisfy a partner in any case. Do not forget that there are different poses that provide more, or if you need, less penetration, thanks to which you can in any case achieve sexual victories. Thus, even if the size of the penis is important in sex, then in any case everything is manageable. The potential of a "good lover" lies in the man himself, in his desire to please the partner, and not in the size of his body. After all, if a man is not interested in satisfying a girl and he only aspires to his own orgasm, then whatever size he could not boast, the woman will not enjoy having sex with him.