What if I fell in love with a married man?

Unfortunately, the situation when a woman does not know what to do, when she fell in love with a married, is not uncommon. Many of the fair sex just do not understand how to solve a similar problem and stop torturing yourself.

What if I like a married man?

First, decide whether you are ready to give up your feelings , or, on the contrary, you want to destroy his marriage or become a mistress, depending on your answer, you need to develop a strategy of behavior.

We will analyze all the options of what to do if you fell in love with a married man.

Option one - you want to forget everything. In this case, disappear from the life of the guy forever, do not say in vain "out of sight - out of mind", also try:

  1. Fill all your free time. It does not matter what you do yourself, most importantly, do not lie on the couch and do not suffer.
  2. Realize your feelings. Refusing to love, a person experiences a lot of different emotions, self-pity, a decrease in self-esteem, resentment, anger and much more. Express them by talking with a psychologist, close friend or just in a personal diary.
  3. Do not forbid yourself to release negative. Want to cry - cry, want to beat the dishes - beat. The only thing you do not need to do is to be in public scandals and expressing your feelings to your beloved, then when it's over you will not praise yourself for such behavior.

Option two, you are ready to fight. Psychologists give the following advice on what to do to a woman who says - I love a married man and I'm not going to refuse it:

  1. You should be the embodiment of those qualities that he likes in girls, remember that subconsciously he will compare you with his wife, and this comparison should be in your favor.
  2. Begin to build a close relationship with a man, find a common affair or a hobby with him. The more time you spend together and communicate, the higher the degree of your trust in each other and the guy's realization that you share his views on life.
  3. Do not turn into a friend, constantly emphasize your femininity and his masculinity, otherwise you risk becoming "your boyfriend."