How to learn to swim a child for 10 years?

Skills for a child are useful - they have a healing effect. There are basic principles that will help teach your daughter or son to swim:

  1. Train in the shallow pool. The depth should not reach above the breast level of the child.
  2. Do not use arm rests and other restraints, because the child must feel the water, learn to own the body in the water environment.
  3. Often praise the child - this will give him confidence.
  4. Shift the training to a greater depth gradually.

Further in the article we will give some advice on how to teach a child to swim in 10 years.

Initial exercises for learning to swim

Before helping you learn how to swim a child in 10 years, you need your child to stop being afraid of water. To do this, consider some exercises:

  1. Walking on the bottom of the pool, it is desirable to connect the elements of running, jumping.
  2. If two or more children are trained, then it is possible to organize competitions: at a distance of 3-4 meters from the side of the pool, put the ball on the water and, at the signal, let the children run after him.
  3. We stand in front of the child, take his hands. We take a breath and plunge with it into the water. First, the eyes can be closed, but then dive with your eyes open.
  4. Your child deeply inhales, crouches in the water, clasps his knees with his hands and holds his breath. The body easily rises to the surface. Then we complicate the exercise: when the body emerges, the child lies on the water, stretching out his arms and legs. The person should be in the water.

Now we teach the child to breathe properly:

  1. We take a deep breath, squat and in the water sharply let out air through a mouth or a nose.
  2. We run along the bottom of the pool, inhaling air, squatting into the water - exhale.
  3. We inhale the air, we make any figure under the water (for example, we press our legs and clasp their hands) and exhale.
  4. Before learning to swim a child at 10 years old, you need to do a good exercise "arrow". Hands raise over your head and connect your hands. The child takes a breath and lies down on the water. Head and arms are in the water. He pushes the leg off the side of the pool and slides on the surface until it stops.

Exercises for forming swimming swimming skills

  1. Exercise "arrow" is complemented by foot movements. The head is in the water, you only need to lift it for inspiration.
  2. The baby stands in the water and leans forward so that the shoulders and chin are immersed. He begins to row with his hand from the top down: the arm is slightly bent at the elbow, first we put the hand, the forearm, then the elbow and the shoulder into the water. The paddle itself is made by a straight arm, which passes under the abdomen to the hip. The head turns in the direction of the combed hand, and the child breathes in the air, and exhales under the water.
  3. Your child makes an "arrow", legs and hands work. You support the child and control that he breathes properly and makes synchronous movements.

Thus, we considered simple tricks how to help learn how to swim a child in 10 years. Note that this is only the initial stage of training. When your child has more confidence, then he can quickly improve in the ability to swim with different styles.