Nausea after eating

Nausea is a painful feeling of anxiety, discomfort in the upper abdomen, including those with vomiting. There are quite a few diseases, one of the symptoms of which is nausea after eating. These are diseases such as:

With stomach diseases, the feeling of nausea is worse after eating. It can be accompanied by belching, heartburn and abdominal pain. In case of problems with the liver and gall bladder, nausea can occur already during meals and is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium. With pancreatitis, the pain is shrouded in nature. With intestinal infection, nausea may occur one hour after eating, eventually build up, end with vomiting. The liquid stool can be attached, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees, disturb weakness, headache and other symptoms of intoxication. A persistent feeling of nausea after eating or not associated with food intake can mask the myocardial infarction - a serious heart disease requiring urgent medical attention. Minor persistent nausea before and after eating can be observed with hypothyroidism. With reduced appetite, weight gain is observed, weakness, drowsiness, chilliness are disturbed even in hot weather. Patients are inhibited and indifferent to what is happening.

In addition to the disease, a feeling of nausea after eating can lead to:

In women, nausea after eating, especially in the morning, and also not related to food intake, can be associated with the development of toxicosis during pregnancy.


child nausea after eating can arise due to a variety of reasons: from helminthic invasion and enterovirus infection to the problems of biliary-excretory pathways and diseases of other systems and organs. If the occurrence of nausea is not an episode, but a regularity, then it is necessary to make a coprogram (feces analysis), blood and urine tests and consult a gastroenterologist.

Treatment of nausea that occurs after eating

First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of nausea and try to eliminate it. If the cause is related to nutrition, it is necessary to eliminate fatty, fried foods, fast food, and also those foods that are not taken by the body. Immediately after eating, you should avoid physical exertion, you can walk slowly, or just relax. If you understand that the nausea that occurs after you food is associated with the treatment of any disease (taking pills, injections, etc.), then it is necessary to discuss this with the doctor who prescribed this medication. It is good to use methods of psychological relief, autogenic training. This will help normalize the psycho-emotional status. By the way, it will be superfluous to track how often you use the word "me" from it (from this) I feel sick! "Such things contribute greatly to the emergence of psychosomatic diseases. And to get rid of them, you need to change your thinking and way of life.

If the cause of nausea is a toxicosis of pregnant women, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. From the available funds you can eat small pieces of dry biscuits or crackers, add ginger root to eat, drink green tea. If nausea is a manifestation of a chronic disease, it is necessary to undergo a course of his treatment. From drugs to reduce nausea apply: metoclopramide, motilium, pipolfen. But they should be prescribed only by a doctor.