Sprat Sprat at home

For the audience of spicy fish fans, we offer options for preparing a delicious sprat sprat at home. You can make this snack with fresh as well as with freshly frozen fish, after letting it thaw in natural conditions at room temperature.

Spicy salted sprat - recipe in brine


For marinade:


When we start pickling the sprats of spicy salting, the first step is to prepare the brine. To do this, the purified water is heated to a boil, dissolve in it salt, sugar and add all the spices. We give the brine to boil together with spices for a minute, and then remove it from the plate and leave it to cool completely.

Fresh peel washed, let it drain. We put it in an enamel pot, if desired, pouring garlic cut into thin plates, and pour with cooled spicy brine. Press the fish with a bowl of suitable size, so that the pickle was higher in level than the fish about a half centimeter. If necessary, we place a load on top of the plate for this purpose.

We leave the sprat in the brine first for twenty-four hours in the room conditions, and then we have in the refrigerator for two more days.

Recipe for sprats of spicy dry salting at home


For marinade:


We clean the fresh peel thoroughly, give a good flow and stack in a wide glass or enameled vessel. Do not take plastic or metal utensils, to avoid penetration into the finished product of foreign odors or spoilage selected container. After all, not always dishes made of these materials are suitable for pickling. It is better if it is a wide bowl or tray.

Peas coriander, black and sweet pepper, as well as buds of cloves and laurel leaves are placed in a mortar and grind fairly finely. Then add salt and granulated sugar and again grind everything together. Pour the resulting spicy mixture of fish, add a pinch of ground ginger and mix the fish well. Now we cover it with a shallow plate and place the load on top. Solim kilk spicy salting in the refrigerator for at least twelve hours. It is better if the fish stays with spices in salt for a day.