French salad - recipe

French cuisine has always been famous for its refinement. Her dishes are light, tender and harmonious in taste, the ingredients are selected with great care, so that the taste is at the height and the elegant serving of the dish was present. And any dinner, as you know, starts with snacks or salads, they set the tone for the whole meal. "French salad", several recipes of which we will give below, you will undoubtedly like it. He will only have to serve a glass of fragrant white wine.

French lover salad - recipe



French salad, the recipe of which we quote, contains a chicken breast, which must be pre-cooked and cut into small pieces. Bulbs are cut into half rings and pickled them for 15 minutes in a mixture of vinegar, sugar and salt, then we fill with boiling water. We steaming raisins and drying it, rubbing cheese and carrots on a grater, chopping small nuts. Now spread the salad layers in a bowl or salad bowl, each layer layered with mayonnaise. The first layer is laid out chicken fillet, then half-rings of onion, raisins, carrots, grated cheese and in the end - nuts. From above decorate the salad with orange cubes.

French salad with chicken - recipe

Chicken meat is very light and indispensable for those who carefully monitor their figure. By the way, if you replace the chicken in this recipe with dietary beef, you can prepare a "French salad" with beef.



Chicken fillet cut into small slices and fry in vegetable oil. We put it on a plate and mix it with a pinch of curry. Walnuts are finely chopped, celery and lettuce leaves are thoroughly washed and cut. Kress salad is better even to tear handles on large pieces. Put all the ingredients in the salad bowl and season with mayonnaise, if desired, you can salt it a little. Thus, we have prepared a "French salad" with chicken, namely French, not Italian or Turkish. And there are a lot of salad recipes with chicken, and they differ in their composition, but French dishes are always lightness and tender consistency. So, now you know how to make a "French salad".

French salad with apples



We cut an apple with straws, cheese rubbed on a grater. Onions cut into half rings and we pour boiling water over it to make the bitterness go away. Eggs, hard-boiled, finely chopped, then put the ingredients in layers in the salad bowl. The first layer is an apple, then onions, cheese, eggs. Each layer is lubricated with mayonnaise. Optionally, you can repeat the layers. When serving, decorate the dish with apple slices.

You can try to prepare a "French salad" with tomatoes, if you prefer vegetables to meat products. For him, mix grated cheese, chopped tomatoes and sweet peppers, season with mayonnaise or any other dressing. Some people like to add boiled ham to this salad - but this is already a matter of your taste.

And remember, it's important not only how to prepare a "French salad", but also how to serve it. Therefore, always add a little French charm to the recipe. And you can also submit to the salad truly French dishes - sauté from chicken and fricasse . They will only enhance the overall atmosphere.