Palmet of Areca

The plant belongs to the family of Arek palms, its name derived from the eponymous Indian coast. The natural habitat is wet forests of the tropics in India and China, as well as the Malay Archipelago and the Solomon Islands. There are about 50 species of palm, but only a few of them can grow at home. And the palm of the areola hrizalidocarpus is one of the most popular species among the florists.

Palate Areca - description

The palm has thin stems with scars at the base, broad and dense leaves at the apex, shaped like feathers of bright green color, as it is supposed to plants of the tropics. All the inflorescences are collected in the form of cobs, and inside - a berry in the form of a horn with a protein.

Be careful, since the seeds of this palm are poisonous and can be used to cause stomach cancer. They are used as a component of a stimulant and narcotic in South-East Asia.

The height of the palm may vary depending on the variety. Some domestic species can reach 12 meters, although there are some that do not grow more than 35 centimeters.

Palate Areca - Care

Palm of areca, like all other indoor flowers, needs care. And the first rule for these palms is diffuse light. Direct sunlight is allowed in small quantities and only in summer. The excess of light is said to be twisted leaves with burns. If you see that it happened with your plant, immediately remove it from the sun. Most likely, the flower will die, although there is a tiny chance that it survives.

Most of the world is afraid of young plants that have not reached the age of 6 years. After crossing this line, the areca will become more stable and will not die with burns - it will simply change the color of its leaves.

If you want the crown of the palm tree to be uniform, ensure that it hits the light from both sides or constantly turn the pot with the sides to the light source (2 times a week).

The palm of the areca is also demanding for the temperature and humidity of the air. It must be kept at 23-25 ​​° C. If stored for a long time at a low temperature (0 ° C or lower), the flower will die.

Since the palm tree comes from their tropics, it loves high humidity. If it is too dry, the leaves will become shallower and begin to dry out. Watering is only necessary when the ground in the pot on top becomes dry. Water for irrigation should be soft, perhaps - rain.

Palm of Areca - Disease

Most of the flower diseases are caused by improper care - direct sunlight, excessive watering, low humidity. However, there are a number of pests that lead to various problems and diseases. This is a mealy worm, a scab , a spider mite, thrips and whitefly. With them you need to fight.