Buckwheat diet for 7 days

On mono-diets we begin to think about that catastrophic moment when we realize that, alas, the favorite dress does not converge either on exhalation or on inspiration. The solution to the problem is to buy the same for a larger size, women are not welcome (after all, it's so embarrassing to admit not only to yourself, but also to the seller that you are stout!). The second option is to lose weight fast, for which mono-diets are actually created.

Choose a hard and fast diet should only be based on the list of favorite foods. Of course, we are also talking about useful food for losing weight, therefore, a compromise option for many people turns out to be a buckwheat diet for 7 days.

Attention: the mono-diet should last from 7 to 14 days. Further, the harm to health will exceed the benefit of the figure.

Secrets of buckwheat

Of course, everyone knows that a buckwheat diet for a week is very useful. Many people say that "the result is on the face" - the skin is cleansed by itself. This is very likely, because the state of the intestine is directly reflected in the appearance of the skin. Cleanse the digestive tract - do with nothing comparable natural peeling.

In addition, a week on a buckwheat diet will change the way you look at gastronomy. As they say in the famous movie: "In a day - hungry, a week later - he will start to miss, and in a month - will become smart."

This is exactly what happens on the buckwheat diet, although the effect is achieved more quickly. After such torture, for you, any tomato or cucumber will be a great help!

Buckwheat contains many trace elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, etc.), vitamins B and A, rutin (strengthens blood vessels). Buckwheat is a unique cereal, as it contains much more protein than carbohydrates. For this account, its caloric content also rises - as much as 329 kcal / 100 g! This is despite the fact that cucumbers contain 15 kcal, and boiled potatoes - 83! So what's better to eat potatoes? It turns out that calories calories and potatoes are gaining their caloric content due to starch, and buckwheat is an easily digestible vegetable protein.

By the way, the very name of "buckwheat" came from Greece.

Greek monks ate only buckwheat, and therefore lived happily ever after. Actually the tradition of consumption of buckwheat comes from Hellas.


Discussion of the buckwheat diet menu for a week does not take much time. First, buckwheat - you can eat it in any quantities. Buckwheat should be steamed, not cooked, in order to preserve as many useful substances as possible. Pour it with boiling water in the evening and eat from the next morning without heat treatment.

Secondly, we are dealing with a buckwheat-kefir diet for 7 days. Every day, you should be rightfully drinking 1 liter of kefir, at least, pour it on buckwheat.

In addition, every two days you can eat a choice of 1 tomato or 1 cucumber.

And, thirdly, no salt, sugar, spices, sauces. Salt retains fluid in the body, sugar - the source of light calories, and spices excite appetite. As for sauces, they contain all three "evils", with the addition of preservatives.

Lose weight for a week on buckwheat diet can be approximately 5 kg (about 2 m in the waist and hips). Of course, this is a bit, especially if your goal is minus 20 kg. However, one must realize that these two kilograms are not pure fat. Moreover, your plumb line is almost 100% of the loss of water and your own muscle mass. Alas, in the energy deficit, the body is actively splitting its proteins.

If after the end of the diet you quickly eat off, the weight will return right away, and you will not even have time to put on your dress, which, although not for long, was nevertheless in size.

The way out of the buckwheat diet should be thorough - no rolls and white bread, fried potatoes and mayonnaise.

Further, everything is in your power - you can save the result only by dramatically changing your daily diet.