Salted trout at home

Did you pay attention to the fact that salted fish in stores costs twice as much as frozen fish? Then why overpay if a favorite delicacy can be prepared independently and be sure of its freshness? In this article, we will look at all the stages of cooking delicatessen red trout - a favorite of anglers and a delicious representative of the whole salmon family.

How to cook salted trout at home?

The first stage is the choice of fish for salting. Quality standards are easy to remember: red gills, clear eyes and a "non-fish" smell are the correct indicators of the fact that the fish is fresh. If you buy a frozen product, you should make sure that the fish has not been subjected to secondary freezing: the absence of brown spots and damage to the skin of the fish confirms its good quality.

After buying the selected fish must be stripped, so before salting my trout, we clean, separate the fins and wipe dry. Now it's time to cut the fillets: walk with a sharp knife on the ridge of the fish and under the head, and then lead the knife from the ridge to the belly, fragmentarily separating the flesh from the bones.

Now let's see how to store salted trout. Of course, the fish of its own salting does not contain preservatives and therefore spoils much faster than the factory version, therefore, we recommend eating fish immediately after pickling. True, trout cooked in this way can be covered with paper or cellophane: this shelter partially protects against oxidation, and the fish can be kept for 5-7 days. Longer prolong the life of your favorite product will help fill or pickle in vegetable oil.

Trout salted in brine

Perhaps, salted trout is much easier to prepare in brine than in all the recipes described below. And what is not a good reason to use this method of pickling?



In hot water we dissolve salt and sugar, we wait until the brine cools down, but we do not waste time in vain: cut the fillet into slices with the width of the palm (you can less) and remove the bones. We put the fish in the brine, if the trout emerges - we press the saucer, and leave it under the lid in the refrigerator for a day.

The degree of salting is determined from the calculation of 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt per 1 kg of fish.

Salted rainbow trout

Feel the classic taste of salted fish will help recipe for dry trout trout. To cook such a fish will have longer, but you will definitely not regret the time spent trying.



We lay one trout fillets on a pillow from a mixture of salt and sugar, skin down, then sprinkle another salty mixture on the fillet itself, we also put a laurel leaf and pour out the lemon juice. We are doing the second half of the fillet in the same way. As a result, we obtain an alternation of layers of fish and salt. We leave the trout for 1-2 days in a closed container, in the refrigerator. The process of pickling lasts depending on the size of the fish. At the end merge the allocated juice, clean the fish with a napkin, but do not rinse (!), Chop and eat with pleasure.

Trout salted in oil

Oil is the most reliable protector against oxygen, and, consequently, from damage to the product. Therefore, if you are going to stock up salted fish for future use, and not to a feast, then pick saline in oil.



Separate the bones of the fillets from the skin and cut into slices. We put them in enamel or glassware, sprinkling with salt and pouring with oil. The abdomen is placed on top without oil filling, as they are by themselves rather fatty. Salting takes 1 hour at room temperature, and then another 12 hours in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!