Dyufaston with a threat of miscarriage in the early stages

Quite often in the early stages of pregnancy, in the presence of threat of miscarriage, a medication such as Dufaston is prescribed. This medicine has proven itself, helped many women to maintain a pregnancy.

How does Duphaston work and when is it used?

In order to understand how Dufaston acts and whether he helps with the threat of a miscarriage, it is first necessary to say what kind of drug it is and what component it is based on.

By its nature, Duphaston, given in the presence of a threat of miscarriage, is an artificial, synthetically created hormone - progesterone. It is he who is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy and the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine endometrium. In the body of a woman, progesterone is produced in the ovaries.

Sometimes, due to certain reasons, the concentration in his blood can decrease, which negatively affects the course of pregnancy and threatens its interruption. In such cases, the drug Dufaston is prescribed. It is produced in tablet form, which, of course, makes it easier for women.

The basis of the mechanism of action of the drug is the effect of its components on the state of the uterine endometrium. Reducing the tone of the muscle layer, it helps to prevent possible complications.

As for the indications for the use of the drug Dyufaston, it can also be used when:

How to take Dyufaston with a threat of miscarriage?

This drug is effective only at the beginning of pregnancy, i.e. in the first trimester. All appointments should be made only by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman and the severity of the hormonal disorder. It is the doctor who indicates the dosage and the frequency of administration of Dufaston in the presence of a threat of miscarriage.

The most commonly used scheme of drug use is the following. Initially, women are given 40 mg of the drug, and then 3 times a day for 10 mg. The admission is continued until the symptoms of the threat of termination of pregnancy disappear completely. The drug is not canceled at the same time, and even with the disappearance of signs of a threat of miscarriage, a woman is prescribed a supporting dose of Dufaston.

If after a while the symptoms of spontaneous abortion appear again, the treatment regimen is repeated again.

What side effects and contraindications are typical for Dufaston?

Like any medication, Dufaston has its side effects. The main ones are the appearance of constipation, which is due to a decrease in intestinal motility. Some girls who took the drug, note the appearance of minor headaches and dizziness.

As for when a drug can not be used, it is:

What is better with the threat of miscarriage: Dyufaston or Utrozestan?

This question is not correct, because 2 of these drugs are complete analogs, however with a slight difference. Utroshestan is made on the basis of vegetable raw materials. But even this factor can not be called an advantage, since there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction. In such cases, doctors who are prone to allergies, and appoint directly Dufaston.

Because they are absolute analogues, therefore, they operate with the same efficiency, it is impossible to allocate the best of these means. In each case, the doctor makes a choice, taking into account the characteristics of the disorder, the severity of the symptoms and the general condition of the woman herself.