Mint during pregnancy

The useful properties of mint were known even by our distant ancestors. The plant is used for a variety of purposes - for the treatment and prevention of diseases, stress and fatigue, in cosmetology. But, like any medicine, mint, especially in pregnancy, also has a number of contraindications to use. It is not surprising that the question of whether it is possible to drink mint pregnant, many future mothers are asked, because the use of such seemingly innocuous and useful grass can lead to irreversible consequences.


It should be noted that there is a huge number of plant varieties (about 25 species), but the most common is peppermint, which is also used in pregnancy. Mint contains a lot of biologically active substances, fats, sugar, essential oil, vitamins and even mineral salts, so the plant itself is incredibly useful. Another thing is that mint stimulates the production of estrogens - hormones that can stimulate labor, which in the early stages of pregnancy will end in miscarriage. It is for this reason that essential oil of mint during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

The reasons why pregnant women can not mint, there may be several: an individual intolerance to the body, a high risk of an allergic reaction, a threat of miscarriage against the background of a high tone of the uterus. In addition, to refuse mint in any form is desirable during lactation, as the plant inhibits the production of breast milk.

Useful properties of mint:

Drinking mint during pregnancy

And although most experts agree that mint for pregnant women can be a serious threat, in some cases, it can not be avoided. For example, tea with mint during pregnancy is an excellent remedy for nausea, that is irreplaceable for toxicosis. Here it is worth paying special attention to the fact that physicians recommend drinking no more than 3-4 cups of mild tea a day. Alternatively, mint candies or chewing gum can also be used.

You can also drink mint during pregnancy in case of constipation and bloating. Decoction of mint during pregnancy relieves heartburn, spasms and intestinal colic, treats diarrhea and constipation. In addition, tea with mint for pregnant women is an excellent soothing and relaxing remedy, effective for muscle, heart pain and even varicosity, provided there are no knots.

Mint tea is often prescribed by doctors in the presence of diabetes in pregnant women, because the use of herbal decoction helps to reduce the intake of insulin. Also, teas from mint are used for chronic gastritis in pregnant women.

Drinking medicinal herbs are better courses. For example, they combine well with mint and melis. In order to prepare herbal tea, you need to pour a tablespoon of leaves of the plant with one liter of hot boiled water. After 5-10 minutes, the tea is ready for use. Remember that everything should be a measure, so do not get carried away by decoctions, even seemingly from such useful herbs as mint and melissa.