Snapdragon - growing from seeds, when planted on seedlings, the rules of successful growing

Surprisingly unpretentious plant with unusual skewers of stems - lion's ointment, growing from seeds, when planting seeds, what conditions are required for the further growth of seedlings - this information is important to know in order to enjoy its luxurious flowering. Snapdragon is a perennial plant, but in the northern regions it is grown as an annual.

Lion's ointment planting and care

No, probably, a person who would not have met this flower - a snapdragon. Planting and caring for it is not particularly difficult, the plant is not too capricious, it strikes with a variety of colors and it looks wonderful both when decorating flowerbeds, and as an ampel, in hanging pots and balcony boxes. Snapdragon, growing out of seeds, when planted, if you sow seeds directly into the open ground and when planting seedlings in the garden depends on the climatic zone in which the site is located, and spring weather should not be overlooked.

How to plant a lion's pharynx on seedlings?

Gardeners prefer to cultivate the lion's owl in a seedling way. Seeding of seedlings is carried out as a traditional method - in prepared boxes for seedlings or pots, and more progressive methods, for example, growing anthurium planting material in peat pills , roll-ups and snails. Feel uncertain or fear failure, using unverified methods, then plant some seeds in a traditional way - in boxes, and some - new and compare the result.

How to plant lion's pharynx in a cochlea?

Because of the very small size of the seeds, the sowing of the lion's pharynx in the cochlea differs in some features. For the awakening of such seeds, light and moisture are needed, so they are not sprinkled on top of them. How to avoid mistakes when sowing anthurium seeds in a cochlea:

  1. The height of the cochlea is 7-8 cm, the length depends on the number of seeds intended for planting. Do not make the snail too long, it will be uncomfortable to work with.
  2. Before planting, the soil should be slightly moist, but not moist. Its surface in coil turns should be slightly condensed with fingers. Where the earth turned out less or it woke up - add and then compact.
  3. Seeds scatter on the surface of each coil's coil (as if "salt" the seeds of the earth) and gently watered.
  4. On the cochlea put on a transparent shelter (for example, a package). Every day, ventilate, taking off the shelter for 10-15 minutes. As soon as the shoots get stronger, hide the shelter.
  5. After emergence sprinkles are sprinkled with a thin layer of earth to the cotyledon leaves.
  6. Watering the snails into the tray on which it is located
  7. Snails with planted seeds need to be lightened with phytolamps.

Snapdragon in peat pills

Choose small tablets covered with a dense nonwoven material with a closed bottom so that the tablet does not collapse. Before planting in the ground, this material must be removed, because the roots do not germinate well through it. Landing of the lion's pharynx on seedlings in peat pills:

  1. Prepare tablets for planting seeds according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Seeds pour on a saucer and a toothpick dipped in water, carefully transfer a small amount of seeds into the cavity on the tablet.
  3. Pills set in a warm light place and cover with a transparent cover, which is removed as soon as the shoots get stronger.
  4. You should water the tablets as you dry out, pouring water into the tray on which they are installed.

When to plant the lion's pharynx on the seedlings?

Having made the decision to plant the lion's pharynx, start growing out of the seeds of seedlings: when to plant the seeds - around March. For northern regions seeding on seedlings is carried out a little later, for southern ones - earlier. More precisely, you can calculate the timing of planting of lion's pharynx for seedlings, knowing the characteristics of the variety of flowers and taking into account the climatic zone of your region:

The lion's owl has ascended what to do next

Despite the lack of demand for the lion's throat to get healthy seedlings, the cultivation of young shoots should be done in good light, not permitting irregular irrigation. A week after the scam , feed the nitroammon. When the plants will appear 4-5 pairs of these leaves - pinch to go into growth lateral shoots. You can hold a circular pinched, when on the side shoots will grow three pairs of leaves. This will make the bush lush and enhance flowering.

How to Dive the Snapdragon

Do not rush to pick, let plants grow stronger and form a root system, but you do not need to tighten too much. To determine when to dive the lion's pharynx after emergence, it's quite simple: as soon as two real leaves appeared on the plants, one can take a pick. Dive the lion's pharynx, especially in hot sunny weather, preferably in the evening, so that the plant adapts after stress for a night.

You can generally do without diving seedlings, and just immediately plant the plants on the beds. But it is better to pick up the lion's eye with 2-3 plants in one glass, then transplant it to a permanent place in the garden with a lump of earth, without traumatizing the roots. Before picking, pour abundantly with the sprouts. Primer is preferable to prepare in advance and use the same composition for both seeding and sprouting seedlings. After picking, gently pour, without pouring too much water with a glass of sprouts.

Lion's ointment when planted in open ground

The seedlings of the lion's pharynx grew when they were planted in the open ground: as a rule, they already plant well-seasoned seedlings when the threat of frost return occurs, at the end of spring and early summer. To the root system does not overheat, and the bush looked lush, it is better to plant the plants 2-3 per one well. For planting choose bright places, in extreme cases - penumbra (in the penumbra bloom will be poorer).

You learned what growth conditions are preferred by snapdragon, growing from seeds, when planting and how to care for planting. Having received this information, anyone, even an inexperienced florist, will cope with these tasks without any special difficulties and grow a chic flower garden. By the way, snapdragons like lion-eared, which will be curiously observed on a beautiful summer day.