Frozen pregnancy at an early age

Every mother is afraid to hear a terrible diagnosis of her baby. One of these diagnoses is a frozen pregnancy. However, do not pre-adjust yourself to the worst: a dead pregnancy according to statistics is somewhere in 170-200 pregnancies.

Frozen pregnancy is a condition where the fetus inside the mother stops and completely dies. Most often this occurs before the 28th week of pregnancy.

The most dangerous periods, also called the pregnancy crisis:

It turns out that the most dangerous period of pregnancy is up to 12 weeks.

There are cases when, at an early date in the ultrasound room, the doctor reports: "You have twins, one fruit stopped, and the second is developing well." Naturally for any mom, this information is shocking. But do not despair, if it occurs in the early period, the frozen fruit is either mummified or is absorbed. A living child can fully develop and be born an absolutely healthy baby.

Causes of premature pregnancy at an early age

It is not always the doctor who can determine the reasons for the fading of the fetus. However, there are a number of reasons that can lead to the fading of the fetus:

How do you know that the fetus is frozen?

It is almost impossible to determine the fading of pregnancy in the early term without additional testing. Most often this happens at a regular reception with a gynecologist, when the doctor can not listen to the baby's heartbeat. Then he appoints to undergo ultrasound, where the fetus will be accurately measured or not.

However, there are a number of signs when a woman herself may suspect fetal fading in the early stages. This is a complete or partial cessation of pregnancy symptoms. The fact is that symptoms of pregnancy (toxicosis, swelling of the chest, general malaise, etc.), a woman experiences under the influence of a pregnancy hormone. In the case of a frozen pregnancy, this hormone ceases to be produced, so a woman ceases to feel pregnant. However, some tests can even show the presence of pregnancy, for example, a blood test. This is due to the fact that the fetal membrane continues its development, and not the fetus. In rare cases, minor bleeding may occur.

It should be borne in mind that a pregnant woman, in view of heightened emotionality, can itself invent the symptoms and causes, so it's best not to draw any conclusions, but to seek help from your doctor.

Frozen pregnancy, this is undoubtedly a strong stress for a woman, but do not regard it as a diagnosis for life. Most likely, a woman can become pregnant again and give birth to a healthy and full-fledged baby.