Increased sweating in women - causes and treatment

Hyperhidrosis - a disease that can drive almost any representative of the fair sex. Determining the cause and treatment of excessive sweating in women - the processes are rather complicated. But the most important thing is to get rid of the unpleasant smell and wet stains on clothes all the same possible!

Causes of severe sweating of legs in women

Sweat glands are necessary for the body. They act as a thermoregulator. At the right time, so that the body does not overheat, the glands release a certain amount of moisture and normalize the temperature.

In a healthy body, the amount of moisture released is not too high, so it quickly and unnoticeably evaporates. Problems start when the glands are working too hard. Sweat at this very much is allocated, and it does not have time to evaporate. In the created wet environment, the bacteria begin to multiply rapidly and the microparticles of the tissue present on the skin are decomposed. As a result of these processes, a fetid smell appears.

The main reasons for severe sweating of legs in women can be considered such factors:

  1. Most often, the problem is due to too tight, unnatural shoes and synthetic socks. To prevent legs from sweating, among other things, you need to train for the season.
  2. In some women, hyperhidrosis becomes a consequence of insufficient care of the feet.
  3. A common cause is fungus and other dermatological diseases.
  4. Sometimes the hyperhidrosis develops against the background of disturbances in the work of the nervous system.

Causes of excessive sweating of the armpits in women

Abundant secretions of sweat from the glands located under the armpits do not always have an unpleasant odor. But they leave noticeable marks on almost any clothing, and it is usually impossible to disguise them. Because of this, many women develop complexes.

Victims of axillary hyperhidrosis are usually people with congenital pathology, in which sweat glands in the armpit area is located more than necessary.

Other reasons include:

Causes of Head Sweating in Women

At a hyperhidrosis of a head whiskey the forehead and all its volosistaja strongly sweat. This is quite a rare phenomenon, and from that even more unpleasant.

Among the main causes of excessive head sweating in women:

Some organisms with increased sweating react to taking certain medications.

Treatment of excessive sweating of legs, head, armpits in women

The fight against hyperhidrosis can be medicated and non-drug:

  1. Botox is one of the most effective methods of treatment. Introduced in the body of the drug botulinum toxin does not allow the movement of acetylcholine - a substance responsible for the activity of sweat glands. The main disadvantage of this method is the relatively high cost of treatment.
  2. To get rid of excessive sweating armpits in women will help therapeutic antipersperant - Alumochloride hexahydrate. The agent reduces the secretions from the sweat glands, blocking part of the excretory ducts.
  3. In the most difficult cases it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. During the operation, nerve endings are stretched over which nerve impulses reach the sweat glands.
  4. Cope with hyperhidrosis stop help contrast baths.
  5. Sometimes, excessive sweating occurs after several psychotherapeutic sessions.