Eggplant terrine

Terrin is a light snack from vegetables, which perfectly decorates the festive table, and it's pleasant to surprise your guests. Let's consider with you how to prepare a terrine of eggplant.

Eggplant terrine and peppers



Peppers are washed, dried and cut into parts, carefully removing the core. Eggplants cut the stems and chop along not very thin plates. Pepper lay the peel on the baking sheet, grease with vegetable oil, salt and lay between them, uncooked slices of garlic, cut in half. Cover all with foil and bake in a hot oven, setting the temperature 190 degrees, about an hour, until soft.

Ready peppers immediately put in a bowl, tighten food film and leave it for 10 minutes, and then cleanse from the skin. Slices of eggplants are greased on both sides with vegetable oil, sprinkle with lemon juice and put on a baking sheet, seasoning and seasoning with spices and garlic. We bake vegetables at the same temperature for 25-30 minutes.

Now take a bowl, grease it with vegetable oil and spread two or three layers of food film, so that the edges hang. Along the sides and bottom, vertically lay slices of eggplant. Then put pepper on the bottom and squeeze it a little. From the top we cover the vegetables cut into strips with cheese, grease the garlic squeezed through the press and repeat the layers again, beginning with the pepper until we fill the entire bowl.

After that, we cover the terrine with the dangling ends of eggplant, film, press down the load and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours. After the time, carefully turn the snack on a flat dish, release it from the film and sprinkle it with sesame seeds.

Eggplant Terrine with Vegetables



Eggplant washed, cut into thin plates and fry in a pan in vegetable oil. After that, lightly cool them and put them into the mold, filling the bottom and edges. Adygei cheese and cheese are kneaded with a fork with two tablespoons of sour cream, we add crushed herbs, squeeze out a clove of garlic and nuts.

All carefully mix, spread the cheese mass on the eggplants, and then cover with a layer of tomato rings. We close the aubergines with petals, top it with a film and put it under oppression. We remove the dish for 4 hours in the fridge, and then serve it to the table, turning the terrine from eggplant and cheese to a plate.