Spirulina - useful properties and contraindications

The existence of a unicellular blue-green microalga called spirulina is more than 3.5 billion years old. But for all this time on the Earth did not appear any plant, which could compare with its composition. Scientists are still scrutinizing spirulina - useful properties and contraindications of this product, its favorable and negative effects on the human body, the mechanism of work.

Useful properties of spirulina

The considered alga contains more than 2000 unique chemical compounds, among them:

According to the World Health Organization, there are no products similar to spirulina in terms of the healing effect on the human body. This is explained by its many useful properties:

In addition, spirulina can be taken even by absolutely healthy people for prevention of a variety of diseases, including oncological pathologies. As a rule, doctors recommend to buy biologically active food supplements (BAA), for example, Spirulina VEL. To date, this drug is the most popular and effective in comparison with its counterparts.

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of Spirulina VEL

The dietary supplement described has the following beneficial effects:

There are no side effects and contraindications to the use of spirulina, but before using it, it is important to consult a doctor and check, there is no individual intolerance to this product.

How to take spirulina taking into account its useful properties and contraindications?

In the form of tablets, the drug is recommended to be taken 3 times a day during meals. The standard dosage is 2 tablets. The general course of therapy is 1 month, after which you need to make a 2-week break and resume treatment.

If it was possible to find a natural dry spirulina in powder, then the therapeutic dose starts from 5 g per day for 21 days. For prevention, 2 g is sufficient every 24 hours.