Than to treat an otitis at the child?

Many young mothers are wondering about what to treat otitis in their child. The ideal option is to see a doctor. But what if the illness caught the baby by surprise, for example, in the evening, and prevents him from falling asleep?

How is otitis treated in children?

As already mentioned above, all appointments of medications should be performed by an otolaryngologist. The entire therapeutic process involves the use of ear aurundum with a solution of the drug, drops, and also warming compresses.

What drugs are used to treat otitis media?

Most often for the treatment of otitis media such medicines as ear drops are used in children. Thus, conditionally they can be divided into 3 groups:

Treatment of otitis in a child with antibiotics is carried out in full accordance with medical appointments. The doctor should select the drug, according to the individual characteristics of the body. In this case, most often used antibiotics, such as Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Netilmitsin.

Which drops are most often used to treat otitis media in children?

So, as we have already found out, how to treat otitis media, - the otolaryngologist determines. After all, the selection of the drug is carried out taking into account the phase of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the child.

The most successful in the treatment of this pathology in children are the following drugs:

  1. Anauran - a drug in the form of drops, prescribed for inflammation of the middle ear, as well as acute and even chronic otitis. Bury the drops directly into the ear canal. The drug almost does not cause side effects. The only thing, some moms note skin peeling directly in the ear canal, which is accompanied by itching and burning.
  2. Sofrax - a given medicine for otitis, intended for children, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the drug can be used as an anti-allergenic and antibacterial agent.
  3. Otypax - are used for inflammation of the middle ear. Have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used in infants. Of the disadvantages, it should be noted the possibility of the appearance of an allergic reaction, due to the presence of lidocaine in the composition.

In addition to the above medicines for children, used from otitis, it is often used and folk recipes. With the so-called folk treatment of otitis in children, camphor oil is most often used, which is heated to body temperature, and buried in both ears.