Furagin for children

In childhood, the defeat of the urinary system is most common. To treat inflammatory diseases, furagin is sometimes used.

Furagin is a medicinal product with antimicrobial effect. He is appointed to treat infectious diseases of the urinary system of the body. It contains an antibiotic such as furazidine. Therefore, the advisability of administering furagin in childhood should be discussed with the attending pediatrician.

Is it possible to give furagin to children?

Do not prescribe the drug furagina for children under one month, especially in the first week of the life of the child. With caution should be used furagin for children under three years, because its use often causes a wide range of adverse reactions, the most serious of which can be the development of toxic hepatitis and polyneuritis (disruption of the peripheral nerves).

How to take furagin to children under one year: indications for use

Furagin is available in the form of tablets, so it is used in older children. To small children it is possible to crush a tablet and to give from a spoon with addition of a small amount of a liquid (a mix, milk, water).

The therapeutic agent helps to get rid of such harmful bacteria as staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, enterobacteria and lyabmlia. There are the following indications for the administration of furagin as a therapeutic drug:

To enhance the therapeutic effect of taking furagin must be accompanied by a plentiful drink.

Furagin: contraindications and side effects

Like any remedy with an antibiotic in its composition, furagin has a number of contraindications:

In the event of a disruption of the dosage or if it is used for a long time, it is possible to develop such side effects as:

The presence of at least one sign of an adverse reaction requires correction of the dosage or complete withdrawal of the drug for the purpose of exclusion progression of disorders in the work of organs and body systems.

With the appointment of furagin as a remedy, a constant control of the number of leukocytes in the blood and a dynamic observation of the work of the liver and kidneys are necessary, since furagin has the most unfavorable effect on them.

If the child has no adverse reactions, furagin can be used as a preventive agent. However, it should be limited to taking drugs for one week.

Despite its successful use in pediatrics, furagin as a therapeutic agent is prescribed in exceptional cases, because a wide range of side effects can exceed the success of the treatment.