The baby has a stomach ache - what is the reason and how to help the baby?

To the fact that the child has a stomach ache, parents get used quickly. This is the most common child complaint, which is often just an excuse, so as not to not eat food. But sometimes the causes of pain are serious. Therefore, you should learn to distinguish fiction from really dangerous symptoms.

Why does the child have a stomach ache?

You should not panic when you hear from a child of complaint. But even negligent to treat them, writing off everything for poisoning or indigestion, it is impossible. In addition to these, there may be other causes of abdominal pain in the child, such as:

The baby has a stomach ache in the navel

Diseases and pathologies can cause discomfort. And if you know their basic manifestations, it will not be difficult to determine the problem. If a child has a stomach ache in the navel area, it can be:

  1. Poisoning. Soreness after a while from the navel spreads throughout the abdominal cavity. The problem is accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting and fever.
  2. Intestinal colic. The reason for their appearance is gases accumulating in the intestine in excess. As a rule, discomfort appears soon after a meal.
  3. Volvulus. Diagnosed if the child hurts his stomach cramped, and is accompanied by a swelling and curing of the abdominal cavity.
  4. Enteritis. With this diagnosis, the painful sensations are dull and aching. When pressing on the peritoneum, rumbling can occur.

The baby has a stomach ache on the left

The cause of soreness in the left part of the abdominal cavity may be cystitis . In this case, the child complains of pain in the abdomen and unpleasant sensations when urinating. At later stages, blood is found in the urine. Sometimes pain is a consequence of constipation. To cope with this problem at the initial stages, parents can and themselves - with the help of an enema. But if syringing does not help, and soreness does not stop, you should always contact a specialist.

The baby has a stomachache on the right

Soreness in the right side of the abdominal cavity is characteristic of appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​a common child problem. With ailment of pain in the abdomen, the child does not pass for several hours. When discomfort becomes too strong, the children try to lie down so that their legs are brought to the stomach. Sometimes with appendicitis a child has stomach aches and vomits. Concomitant symptoms include constipation and mild diarrhea. Touching the right lower part of the peritoneum is accompanied by severe pain.

The baby has a stomach ache

To determine the cause of the appearance of soreness, you need to study all the attendant symptoms. For example, if the pains in the abdomen in a child are accompanied by frequent urination and the appearance of blood impurities in the urine, a high probability that it is cystitis. And if there are no similar symptoms, then the problem is in the intestines or the urinary tract.

When a child has a stomach ache and a fever of 38 or more is complicated by chills, this may indicate an infection of the pelvic organs. Pain, which gradually intensifies, appears with inflammatory processes or obstruction. In some cases, uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen appear as a result of the vital activity of parasites.

The baby has a stomachache and vomiting

As a rule, such seizures cause inflammatory processes that develop in the organs of the digestive system. In most cases, vomiting and abdominal pain in the child appear for the following reasons:

  1. Food poisoning. Vomiting begins several hours after receiving poor-quality or overdue food. And preceded by this is the onset of severe pain and fever. After a while, children develop diarrhea. The liquid stool has a sharp odor, it can be painted greenish.
  2. Intestinal obstruction. It causes a hernia, a tumor or an accumulation of too much feces. The food that gets into the body is digested, but it does not go forward. The intestine tries to throw it out, but it can not, resulting in a spasm that causes a vomiting reflex.
  3. Cholecystitis. When the child has a stomach ache, the temperature jumps sharply, and after a few hours, vomiting begins, not delivering relief, first with undigested food particles, and then with gallstones, it is necessary to suspect cholecystitis. Symptoms with this diagnosis do not disappear within a few days.

The baby has stomach and diarrhea

The child's organism is constantly in a stage of formation. Therefore, mainly abdominal pain and diarrhea occur against the background of intestinal and rotavirus infections. In the children's intestine lives a large number of "necessary" bacteria, necessary for digesting food and assimilation of nutrients. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, "good" bacteria are replaced with "bad" bacteria, and diarrhea appears.

Not all parents know that diarrhea in children can be caused by an allergic reaction. A habitual skin rash has long ceased to be the only possible response of the body to getting into it an allergen. Sometimes it is necessary to suffer internal organs, including the intestines. So, attacks of vomiting, diarrhea and nausea may well occur in allergic children.

The baby has a stomachache and fever

Tummies in newborns are often sore. The main reason for this is colic. Approximately in half a year the problem passes by itself. Therefore, when a child with an older stomach aches and fever is observed, this indicates a problem, like:

The temperature and pain in the abdomen of a child of school or adolescence cause:

Adolescent girls who have already begun menstrual bleeding may experience pain and weakness from fever with contraction of uterine muscles during menstruation. As a rule (about 80% of cases), these feelings appear for psychological reasons. And only 20% of complaints have a functional or physical justification.

The baby has a stomach ache after eating

The abdominal pain that occurs after eating in adults often disturbs people with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, gallbladder inflammation, pancreatitis. In children, such diseases are extremely rare. Therefore, if a child complains of pain in the stomach after eating, most likely, he ate too fast or slightly overdone and overeat. After a short rest - best in a horizontal position - soreness disappears.

The child often has a stomach ache

Almost all parents encounter this phenomenon. If the complaint is not false, and in fact the child often complains of abdominal pain, the problem may lie in indigestion, constipation, dysbiosis. Not fully formed children's body is constantly being rebuilt and needs a balanced diet. Minor deviations lead to violations. But with age it passes.

It also happens in another way when a child has a stomach ache due to pathologies and serious illnesses. Moreover, in addition to complaints of pain, there are also accompanying symptoms, such as: nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, fever. Yes, and the sensations caused by a complex disease, as a rule, are more pronounced and more painful, and their children suffer heavier. So they can not be confused with false complaints.

What if my baby has a stomachache?

Leave children's complaints about pain unaddressed. First of all, you should ask how it hurts, where, for how long, whether it happened before. If the discomfort is easy and appeared after eating, you can offer the baby to lie down. Breastfeeding with colic helps stroking or dill water. With the pain caused by constipation, the enema will help to cure - relief comes a few minutes after the procedure.

Vomiting, fever, abdominal pain in the child - an urgent reason to call a doctor. Neutralize these symptoms is strongly discouraged. It is desirable that all this organics is preserved before the arrival of a specialist - so to make the diagnosis easier. After a fit of vomiting, when the child has a stomach ache, what can you give - water - on a tea or a table spoon. But in no case should you allow the patient to eat.

What should I give my child with abdominal pain?

In case of serious problems, self-medication is categorically contraindicated. Only a specialist should diagnose and prescribe the treatment. When a child has a stomach ache, what can parents give her to think only if there is a certainty that discomfort arose when food was consumed: