Rubella in children

There are a number of diseases that can be safely treated at a young age. Among these is rubella. In small children, although the disease is accompanied by a pronounced symptomatology, complications are extremely rare.

As a rule, infection occurs when you are in contact with a sick person, this is the rubella's insidiousness. The fact is that viral agents may not appear for a very long time, while the child is already considered to carry the infection, potentially dangerous to others.

Each mother should know what rubella looks like in children, in time to recognize the first signs of the disease in her child and take appropriate measures.

How does rubella appear in children?

Even before the appearance of rashes, attentive parents will suspect something is amiss. The crumb became sluggish and inactive, he had a fever and lymph nodes on the back of the neck and back of the neck, a dry cough, a runny nose, a sore throat. Catarrhal symptoms can be misleading, but everything "will put in its place" a small pink and red rash, which is considered one of the main signs of rubella in children. The most affected are rashes: the face, neck, back, buttocks, the external surface of the hands and feet. Feet and palm remain untouched. The rash appears jerky for 2-3 days, then gradually disappears.

In some cases, it is not easy to identify rubella in children, because knowing how the disease starts is not enough to make a diagnosis. Even specialists without appropriate tests can confuse it with scarlet fever or measles . Therefore, babies take a blood test for antiviral antibodies on day 1-3 of the disease, then at 7-10. If the increase in the number of antibodies is observed 4 times in the case of repeated testing, this indicates that the child is suffering from rubella.

It is easier to diagnose ailment, if it is confirmed that the baby was in contact with the infected person.

Treatment and prevention of rubella in children

Bed rest, plentiful drink, symptomatic drugs - this is the main rubella treatment, both in young children and adults. Pain in the joints and muscles, as well as swelling of the mucosa is eliminated with the help of antihistamines, elevated temperature - antipyretic. A sufficient amount of liquid is necessary for the removal of toxins, the products of the decomposition of viral agents.

When complications develop, which is very rare in infants, the child is hospitalized and antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

After the appearance of the first symptoms of rubella, parents should completely exclude the interaction of the baby with others, especially pregnant women. Since in the early stages of pregnancy, infection with the virus is fraught with the most unfortunate consequences for the fetus. You also need to warn about the illness of the teacher or class teacher.

In general, it is noted that children suffer a disease much easier than adults. But, nevertheless, it can be avoided. If a child visits a kindergarten, school or other educational institution, often happens in places with a large number of people, do not rely on a lucky coincidence and instill the baby from this disease. According to the rules, rubella vaccine is given to children aged 12-15 months, and then again at six. As a result, the body crumbs develops a stable immunity, which will protect the baby from an insidious disease for two decades.

In this case, the side effects of the vaccine in the form of local puffiness, a slight temperature fluctuation and enlarged lymph nodes, are only in units and pass very quickly.