Impetigo in children - the causes, symptoms and treatment of all types of disease

Local immunity of babies is not yet formed, so they are more susceptible to bacterial skin infections. Impetigo is a very common dermatological pathology in children's collectives (kindergartens, schools) and can become an epidemic. It is important to immediately begin to treat the disease, because it causes dangerous complications.

Reasons for impetigo

The causative agents of the disease under consideration are staphylococci and streptococci. They provoke impetigo in a child only if there is damage to the epidermis. Even superficial scratches, small wounds and bites of bloodsucking insects can lead to the penetration of bacteria into the skin and the onset of an acute inflammatory process. The further distribution of impetigo in children occurs due to the following conditions:

Predisposing factors to the spread of infection:

Impetigo in children - symptoms

The clinical picture of the described pathology corresponds to the causative agent of the infection and the form of the lesion of the skin. It is important for parents to visually know all kinds of impetigo in a child, a photo of the rashes for each type of illness are presented below. Early detection of signs of bacterial disease and the establishment of the correct diagnosis ensures maximum effectiveness of treatment and prevents serious complications.

Staphylococcal impetigo

A synonym for this form of infection is folliculitis. This type of acute impetigo in children is characterized by inflammation in the mouth of the hair. There are 2 forms of folliculitis, with proper therapy, both proceed easily. Visually it is easy to determine staphylococcal impetigo in children - the photos below correspond to the description of the types of this disease:

  1. Surface. On the skin appear small (up to 2 mm) vesicles with white contents and a pink areola around, the epidermis between them does not change. Within 9-10 days blisters decrease or open with the expiration of pus. In their place, yellow crusts are formed, which gradually disappear without a trace.
  2. Deep. Rash looks like large red nodules from 5 mm in diameter. Skin inflamed, red and swollen. After 5-8 days, the pimples either resolve, or get stronger. After the solution and healing of such rashes, scars often remain.

Streptococcal impetigo in children

The presented type of pathology develops less often than staphylococcal infection , approximately in 10% of cases. Impetigo streptococcal is a multiforme disease, the symptoms of which depend on the area of ​​skin damage by bacteria. Kinds:

  1. Classic (bubble). On the eyelids, less often other areas of the face, small surface blisters with transparent, cloudy or pinkish contents are formed. They are independently opened and covered with crusts, which fall off after 6-7 days. Damaged areas first have a bluish-violet pigmentation.
  2. Dry pyoderma or simple lichen. The skin is covered with red spots with pronounced desquamation on the surface. Such impetigo in children can be accompanied by intense itching.
  3. Zaedy. In the corners of the mouth form multiple small bubbles with a viscous content. They quickly burst, giving way to slit-like erosion. Bleeding wounds for 2-3 hours are covered with a dense crust, which sometimes bursts when the mouth is opened.
  4. Felon. On okolonogtevom platen in the place of damage to the epidermis (puncture, burr) appears fliktena (abscess). After its opening, a large erosion opens with the release of streptococcal contents.

Vulgar impetigo in children

If the causative agents of the disease are both staphylococci and streptococci, a mixed infection progresses. Vulgar impetigo looks like multiple bubbles with pus on the skin of the face. Less often, rashes are found on the limbs and trunk. As the dissection and healing, the inflammatory elements are covered with dense and massive crusts. Without adequate therapy, strepto- staphylococcal impetigo quickly spreads to healthy areas of the skin. With extensive damage, nearby lymph nodes become inflamed, they become swollen and ache.

Ring-shaped impetigo

This form of the disease in medicine is called zircinarnoy. It is one of the types of streptococcal impetigo in a child - the picture below clearly shows that the rash looks identical. Ring-shaped infection is characterized by the fusion of purulent vesicles and the formation of large blisters. The course of cirrharial impetigo is similar. After opening the pimples and removing their contents, the skin becomes covered with yellow-gray crusts, which quickly dry up and fall off.

Bullous impetigo in children

Another type of streptococcal dermatological infection. Acute bullous impetigo are large (from 2 cm in diameter) globular blisters with turbid exudate. In the course of development of pathology, the child's body temperature may increase, lymph nodes become inflamed, weakness and headache are felt. Often diagnosed impetigo in young children on the background of dermatoses or neurodermatitis. After opening the blisters, the skin becomes covered with a thick crust that falls off on its own for 1-2 weeks.

Sleeve impetigo in children

One of the variants of the ailment is seizures. Slick impetigo is provoked by streptococci, often the infection further affects the folds of the eyelids, ears and wings of the nose. In these zones, purulent vesicles are formed, after the opening of which erosions are opened. Such ulcers slowly heal under the forming dry crust. Sometimes the slit impetigo in children lasts for a long time - it is important to start treatment immediately, otherwise permanent self-infection occurs. Because of this, the infection spreads to nearby mucous membranes - into the nostrils, the mouth, the conjunctiva of the eyes.

How to treat impetigo in children?

In most situations, pathology proceeds easily, and therapy is performed on an outpatient basis. Proper treatment of impetigo includes general activities:

Impetigo in children - treatment, drugs

Drug therapy according to the standard involves the use of local drugs only. Staphylococcal or streptococcal impetigo in children - treatment:

  1. Antiseptic treatment of fresh rashes. Pustules 2-3 times a day are wiped with camphor or salicylic alcohol.
  2. Antimicrobial therapy. After disinfection, the antibacterial ointment - erythromycin , Kolbiocin, tetracycline, heliomycin and others - is applied a thin layer 3-4 times a day on the affected skin.
  3. Preventive treatment. When the vesicles are opened, it is necessary to prevent the spread of the infection. To do this, the formed wounds and erosions are immediately treated with antiseptics , for example, iodine, furacilin, brilliant green and similar solutions.

Systemic medicines are connected if the generalized impetigo is rapidly progressing and spreading, antibiotic treatment is carried out exclusively according to the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. Used drugs:

Treating impetigo with folk remedies

Without local antibiotic therapy, you can not use alternative recipes. Such treatment of impetigo in children is ineffective, it is allowed only in combination with conservative methods. Otherwise, the infection will spread to healthy tissues and progress. When impetigo in children, treatment at home consists in the use of natural vitaminized drinks (fruit drinks, compotes, broth of dogrose and dried fruits), skin treatment with antiseptic herbal infusions or apple cider vinegar.

Local remedy for impetigo


Preparation, application

  1. Mix the dry shredded herbs.
  2. Pour them with water, boil for 10 minutes in enameled dishes.
  3. Insist 1 hour under the lid.
  4. It is good to strain the medicine.
  5. Wipe the skin affected by impetigo, with a cotton swab impregnated with the resulting solution.
  6. Repeat the procedure 3-6 times a day.