Pinworms in adults

One of the most common parasitic lesions of the intestine is enterobiosis. Pinworms in adults are found at least as often as in children, as getting infected with this infection is very simple, especially with constant household contacts with the patient. In addition, eggs of parasites are often carried by flies, cockroaches and pets that walk on the street.

Symptoms of pinworms in adults

The clinical picture of enterobiasis directly depends on the method of infection with parasites and the number of patients in the immediate environment. A person who has been infected recently, practically does not experience any appreciable discomfort, especially with careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene. The chances for a quick recovery are enhanced if among the family members and people with whom the infected person lives, no one has an enterobiasis. Given that the life cycle of pinworms is only 2-3 weeks, the deduced colony completely dies and is not replenished (there is no repeated infection). Thus, a person recovers from enterobiasis.

In other situations, there is a constant infection of eggs with parasites or self-infection. In severe helminthic invasions, the most characteristic symptomatology is the itching in the anal passage, usually in the evening and at night, due to the fact that the female pinworm lays eggs on the skin near the anus in the specified period. It is noteworthy that the itching torments for 24-48 hours, then disappears for 2-3 weeks, and then again resumes. This indicates a change in the helminth colony and its replenishment with new individuals.

A long course of enterobiosis is accompanied by such signs:

Than to treat pinworms in adults?

Modern medical achievements make it possible to quickly get rid of invasions, especially in the early stages of enterobiasis. In adults, the treatment of pinworms is carried out with tablets:

  1. Decaris, Levamisole. Allows to simultaneously restore the balance of microflora in the intestine, to simulate immunity;
  2. Vermox . Relatively safe, causes a small number of side effects.
  3. Pyrantel. Has a low price, but assumes a long course of admission.
  4. Nemosol. The most effective drug, it helps even with strong and multiple helminthic invasions.
  5. Piperazine. The safest medication you can take during pregnancy.

Also, new drugs and products for pinworms in adults are recommended:

With tangible discomfort symptoms of infection with enterobiasis, a doctor can prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines to stop unpleasant sensations, pain and itching.

It should be noted that any medicinal products are destructive only for adult pimples. Therefore, a mandatory condition for successful therapy is a second course 14 days after the first stage. It is important to follow a diet that normalizes defecation (1 time per day), does not strengthen the stool.

In addition to the above activities, it is important to observe special hygiene:

  1. Wash thoroughly with disinfecting hand soap after walking, going to the toilet and before eating.
  2. Every day, change clothes, pre-ironing it with a hot iron.
  3. Conduct daily treatment of the toilet.
  4. Do in the living room wet cleaning every day.
  5. Briefly cut nails.

Folk medicine for pinworms in adults

The best remedy for enterobiasis is pumpkin seed. You can simply eat this delicious medicine for 200 g daily, or combine the reception of crushed pumpkin seeds with honey and the performance of cleansing enemas (1 time in 48 hours).

As an adult gets rid of pinworms - it is not important, most importantly, to prevent re-infection, as well as to avoid infection of family members.