Dynamic stereotype

Do each of us, when something is writing, think about how his handwriting will be or when he stays on his walk, fixed on his gait, his posture? Moreover, there is hardly anyone arguing over their own gesticulations. Fortunately, all this happens unconsciously, because there are so many much more important things in life than focusing on which way to take a hand during the utterance of a word. In other words, a dynamic stereotype is responsible for all of this, about which, even for the sake of general development , it is important to familiarize everyone.

Dynamic stereotype value

This sequence of conditioned reflexes is developed by a person in the process of his training and production activity, in other words, throughout the whole life, more and more dynamic stereotypes arise every day. Its undeniable benefit is that it helps a person save energy (nervous and muscle). In addition, very little time is spent on its implementation, and this suggests that the body is given the opportunity to solve more important tasks. It should be noted that such a stereotype develops a style of behavior, a discipline of a person. On its basis there are all kinds of skills, habits and skills. In the event that a person falls into an environment unusual for him, the manifestation of his dynamic stereotype is hampered.

Dynamic stereotype and physiology

Dynamic stereotype improves the rate of all conditioned reflexes. In addition, it positively affects the activity of the cerebral cortex. Such a motor stereotype arises from the consequent action of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli.

Examples of a dynamic stereotype

Examples do not need to go far: your favorite hobby, whether it's piano, skiing or equestrian sports - all this is due to the dynamic stereotype. Moreover, the use of cutlery, walking, running, jumping and even writing are based on skills, the foundation of which is the same motor stereotype.