Rash on the abdomen

As the largest organ in the human body, the skin performs a fairly large number of functions. One of them is secretory. The skin is responsible for the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, and also carries out the excretory function. In addition, the skin is exposed daily to a huge number of effects, both the external environment and the work of the body's organs, and some of these factors can cause the appearance of a rash.

Causes of rash on the abdomen in adults

The appearance of a rash on the abdomen may be due to various reasons.


The most likely cause of a small rash on the abdomen is an allergic reaction of the body. It can be caused by external and internal stimuli:

As a rule, an allergic rash on your stomach often itches. The itch in this case passes after taking an antihistamine .

Urticaria is one of the most common cutaneous manifestations of allergies. With it, small rashes appear on the skin, which eventually combine into a large papule.


Elevated sweating can cause sweating - a red rash on the abdomen and a groin that itches. In addition, sweating occurs when active physical work, wearing synthetic materials, when using fatty creams. After eliminating the cause, such a rash after a few hours turns pale and completely disappears in a few days, with the observance of hygiene rules and the use of special means.

Venereal diseases

Another possible cause of the appearance of a rash in the abdominal region in an adult may be a secondary stage of syphilis. In this case, the rash may look different, sometimes it is so small and does not cause any sensation that a person notices it only at a doctor's appointment.

Dermatological diseases

With skin diseases, the rash is the main symptom. For example, a rash and itching on the abdomen can be signs of dermatitis or psoriasis.

Infection with an itch mite can cause not only the appearance of a red rash on the abdomen, but also rashes between the fingers of the hands, in the bends of the elbows and knees.

Hormonal disbalance

Fluctuations in the hormonal background can cause a rash in the abdomen of pregnant women, which passes after childbirth.

Viral diseases

Herpes virus, which is in the body of most people, during the period of activation can cause a rash in the form of a bubble rash in the abdomen along the line of the lower rib.

Despite the fact that many diseases that cause a rash on the abdomen are considered childish, sometimes they can appear in adulthood with reduced immunity. Measles , scarlet fever, chickenpox - these viral diseases are characterized by eruptions not only on the stomach, but also on the entire body. For example, scarlet fever is accompanied by the appearance of severe itching and rash in the lower abdomen. After a few days the itch subsides, and the skin in this place begins to peel off. And with chicken pox, the rash can spread all over the body. In addition to skin manifestations, a person's general condition worsens, high fever rises. Viral rash, as a rule, has a bright color and a pronounced structure.

Treatment of rash on the abdomen

Treatment of rashes on the abdomen, as, indeed, on other parts body, should be started only after consultation with a medical specialist. For skin diseases it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Treatment of the rash, as a rule, begins with the elimination of the root cause of its appearance and is accompanied by the use of local external means:

Possible use of immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drugs.