Eucalyptus oil - application

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree, which is considered one of the highest trees in the world, its height can well reach 100 meters. Eucalyptus tree or shrub refers to the family of myrtle, there are more than six hundred species of this plant, each species has its own smell. For the production of eucalyptus oil, only young shoots and fresh leaves of this plant are used.

The healing properties of eucalyptus oil

As is known, eucalyptus oil, the use of which began long ago, and today has a wide range of uses. Previously, the fruits of this plant were called "giving life". For the first time this wonderful tree was discovered on the island of Tasmania and in Australia, the inhabitants of these places used eucalyptus oil from the common cold, against various inflammations in the body, as an antiseptic, antipyretic and analgesic.

Eucalyptus oil has:

To date, in folk medicine, the use of eucalyptus oil for colds has become quite a frequent appointment, because, as we know, it has an active antiviral effect. It is used for the treatment of respiratory diseases, flu, angina, sinusitis, asthma, tuberculosis, also prescribed for coughing and for liquefying sputum. It is a good remedy against infectious diseases, it fights against all types of fever, helps with migraines, speeds up the recovery process in cases of diphtheria, malaria, chicken pox and diseases of the genitourinary system. It is good to massage with the oil of this plant for rheumatism, muscular and joint pain. The use of eucalyptus oil during pregnancy is possible only externally and only after consultation with the attending physician.

Eucalyptus oil for the face is widely used as a cleansing agent. Its use is considered very effective in the treatment of various eruptions on the face, including herpes. Moreover, due to the fact that oil helps to destroy bacteria and pus, it is used even with burns. With the help of eucalyptus oil, early healing of wounds, cuts and ulcers occurs.

Indications for the use of oil:

Methods of using eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil perfectly copes with inflammatory processes, which are a consequence of sore throats and flu. Especially for such diseases, inhalation with eucalyptus oil will be useful. To do this, add 2 drops of oil in 150 ml of water and conduct a hot inhalation procedure for about 5-7 minutes. To reduce the symptoms of colds, it is good to take a bath with the addition of 5-8 drops of this essential oil.

In cosmetology it is recommended to use eucalyptus oil from acne in the tonic. If the skin of the slope is inflammatory and has a fat structure, 7-10 drops of eucalyptus oil should be added to 5 ml of face cream, and lubricated face before going to bed for two weeks. Eucalyptus oil is essential for strengthening hair, as well as against dandruff, for this purpose, 5 drops of oil are added to 10 ml of shampoo and rubbed onto the scalp by rubbing movements.