Treatment of fungus nails with hydrogen peroxide

Onychomycosis is a very common dermatological and cosmetic problem. Many people try to fight it through non-traditional approaches, one of which is the treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide. It is important to remember that this method is only part of a whole complex of therapeutic measures.

Hydrogen peroxide against nail fungus

It should be noted that the solution in question in any, even high, concentration, does not remove spores and does not stop their multiplication. Hydrogen peroxide does not eliminate nail fungus, it serves only as a disinfectant and mild antiseptic. It is recommended to use the product as an additional method of treating the affected surfaces. This allows to avoid penetration into the structure of the sick nail of other pathogenic microorganisms, as well as infection with onychomycosis of healthy tissues.

Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide

For effective therapy using the described drug, doctors are advised to perform the following actions:

  1. Rasparit damaged nails in a hot tub with the addition of copper sulfate.
  2. Dry the surface thoroughly.
  3. Saturate with hydrogen peroxide a piece of wadded disk, the dimensions of which correspond to the treated area of ​​the nail.
  4. Attach the compress to your finger, leave for 30-40 minutes, until the nail becomes lighter.
  5. Cut and scrape off the softened areas of the surface, apply a medicinal preparation, for example, a cream from the fungus of the nails .

The above procedure should be repeated at least 2 times a day with an interval of 10-12 hours. It is desirable to soften the nails in this way before each application of the remedy.

Another effective method of therapy:

  1. In a small basin with warm water (1-2 liters) dissolve 100 ml of peroxide hydrogen concentration of 3%.
  2. Put into the container fingers with the onychomycosis affected by the nails, hold them in water for 15-25 minutes. Periodically you can get your hands or feet out of solution.
  3. Blot nails with a napkin, cut down the softened surface.
  4. Apply the medication.

Doing such a bath is recommended 1 time per day, they can be performed in a break between the use of compresses with hydrogen peroxide. The described procedures help speed up the treatment process and permanently consolidate the results achieved.