Aquarium bugs

Small aquarium turtles are very popular among fans of reptiles. They are fairly simple to care for, but ignorance of even the simplest rules of content can lead to illnesses and even the death of a pet.

Basics of care and maintenance

For keeping at home, marine and freshwater aquarium turtles are suitable, which do not exceed 30 cm in size. If the right conditions are met, the pet can live in the house for 10-50 years, depending on the species and on what care you provide for it.

In the aquarium it is necessary to equip two zones: an islet of land (1/3) and a water space (2/3). All aquarium turtles necessarily require maintenance in clean water. Do not neglect the arrangement of the aquarium with an ultraviolet lamp. Without the rays of the ultraviolet spectrum, the shell will not grow in the reptile. Moreover, the tortoises can develop diseases. The optimal temperature for most species is 27-32 ° C.

Types of aquatic turtles and care for them

It should be considered which aquarium turtles and their species are the most frequent inhabitants of domestic aquariums.

The musk tortoise is the smallest and easiest to care for, and as a consequence, the most popular among lovers of such pets. It grows from 7 to 14 cm. It has a fairly restrained dark color with light strips. In food, the reptile is very unpretentious - its diet can include lettuce, algae, fish.

Aquatic red-eared turtles have a very beautiful color, but most of all, her red ears rush into the eyes. The female reaches a size of 30 cm, and the male - twice less. It is an omnivorous reptile that can consume both vegetable food and fish, frogs, mice, snails, worms.

The trionics , or the non- bellied turtle, has a very original appearance due to a bizarre proboscis. But in fact, behind its amiable, cute appearance, there is a real predator. In natural conditions, the tortoise breaks all stereotypes about these reptiles, and its speed and agility can be envied by many fish.