Car feeder for dogs - caring for a pet in the absence of a host

Taking a dog into the house, we are responsible for her life and health. Nutrition - one of the key moments in the care of the pet, because its balance and regime give strength to the body for active growth. Busy owner of a car feeder for dogs will help to solve problems of a permanent absence from home.

Dog feeder - device

There are two fundamentally different options for feeding the feeder:

All existing feeders are equipped with a timer, where the owner indicates the number of servings per day, their volume and the interval between feedings. As a result, an automatic dog feeder ensures the dog's proper diet without the breeder's involvement. The latest models are equipped with an additional function: when feeding the feed the device speaks with the voice of the host, the phrases are recorded on the built-in recorder.

Types of dog feeders

  1. The first version of the design is as much like a normal pet bowl with a lid. The capacity is divided into segments that are filled with food or canned food. After the set interval, the lid opens the segment behind the segment, and the dog receives the desired portion.
  2. The feeder with the hinged lid has the advantage that the food remains uninhabited, and this is important for canned food. The food is stored under the lid, the container opens at the set time. You can put two feeders with different feeds to provide variety.
  3. Convenient feeder for large dogs with a large container for a few pounds of food will solve the problem for several days. This option is one of the most expensive, and even takes up a lot more places than a regular bowl. However, this is an excellent solution for large breeds , the device is functionally and reliably.
  4. The most affordable option in terms of price will be a car feeder for dogs without automation in the form of a timer. A large container is filled with food and placed on a bowl. As eating, the feed itself pours out from the container under its own weight. If the pet is not prone to overeating, the trough will become an affordable and convenient choice.

Car feeder for small breeds

A convenient automatic feeder for cats and small breed dogs is the model with compartments. A round container can be divided into four or six compartments, so the size of the serving is from medium to fine. Since the feeder itself does not differ in size from a regular bowl, a small dog will have enough of its contents for a day. For a small dog enough and the volume of the trough with a hinged lid, there is placed about half a kilogram of feed.

Automatic feeder for large breed dogs

A large dog needs to take a lot more food at a time, therefore a container in the form of a bowl is not always a suitable solution. For large dogs, an auto-feeder with one large storage is more suitable:

Automatic street feeder for dogs

If the dog does not live in an apartment setting, two types of feeder can be used. This can be an automatic design, if it is possible to safely connect it and provide protection against voltage drops. A good choice would be a design without automation, when the feed spills out under its own weight. But this variant of feeding from the dog feeder is suitable only for animals not prone to overeating.

Dog feeder with own hands

It is possible to manufacture such a device yourself, even if you have never dealt with automation. Car feeder for dogs with a timer of their own production consists of the simplest devices: usual desktop Chinese clock, round tin box, thin sheet of plywood.

  1. From a tin can make a foundation. With the help of clay or other material, mold partitions and divide the whole volume into compartments.
  2. In the center, space is left for the clockwork.
  3. Then, from a thin plywood, cut a circle around the size of the bowl. In the circumference, a segment is cut out according to the size of the dog feeder compartment.
  4. The lid is attached to the arrow of the clockwork.
  5. As the arrow moves, the lid will also move, opening a new portion of food.