The Benefits of Cheese

Cheese, as you know, is one of the most favorite treats in the whole world. It is used as the basis of many dishes and is consumed independently. Someone loves it for breakfast, and someone makes a big dinner out of slices of cheese. However, sooner or later, every woman thinks about his benefits, especially if he goes on a diet.

Useful properties of cheese

Nutritionists note that the main component of any type of cheese is a protein that is responsible in the body for building new cells. Another feature that was discovered by British scientists not so long ago is the beneficial effect of cheese on the fortress of sleep and on dreams. In addition, he, like all other dairy products, improves digestion, stabilizes the intestinal tract and all this thanks to a small piece of cheese in the daily diet.

Which cheese is the most useful?

Standing at the counter of the store with a huge variety of sorts of cheese, we sometimes get lost, not knowing what to choose. Let's see what kind of cheese is the most useful. If you keep a figure, then you should choose low-calorie varieties: Adyghe, brynza, suluguni. However, they should be used with caution in hypertensive patients and women suffering from kidney diseases, since these varieties contain a large amount of salt. One of the most neutral cheeses is the Edam and Gouda. If we talk about cheese with mold, then it is not useful for everyone to eat them. It is necessary to exclude in advance the possibility of allergy to moldy bacteria contained in this kind of cheese.

Low-fat cheeses with diet

In such a huge assortment it is even more difficult to choose the kind of cheese that does not hurt your figure, especially if you are on a diet. Scientists have calculated the caloric content of the most popular varieties. So, the most low-calorie is goat cheese (243 kcal per 100 g) and brynza (246 kcal - 100 g), while the highest figure was cheddar (426 kcal per 100 g) and bursen (404 kcal per 100 g).