Purification of blood by folk remedies at home

Purification of blood, carried out at home with the use of folk remedies, can be very effective. The main thing is to follow the prescriptions and make sure that the components of the drugs are not contraindicated to you.

How to perform blood cleansing at home?

Cleansing pine needles


Preparation and use

Raw material is poured with water and heated over medium heat for 10 minutes. After this, the vessel is removed from the fire, tightly wrapped and left for 20 minutes. The infusion is filtered and half a cup is drunk twice a day between meals.

Cleansing blood with herbs at home


Preparation and use

The ingredients are mixed and stored in a tightly closed glass container. On the first day, drink a teaspoon of the drug, in the subsequent increase the dosage to a tablespoon. Since celandine has a small toxic effect, treatment is carried out for 2 weeks, after which it is recommended to take a one-week break and continue the course.

It is not necessary to resort to such methods, it is possible to carry out a mild purification from toxins and wastes. To do this, you should drink 50 ml of carrot fresh every day.

If it is necessary to clean the blood after a hangover, it is recommended to resort to the help of nettle.

Cleansing blood from alcohol at home


Preparation and use

Dry nettles are steamed with boiling water and drunk like tea. If there are no contraindications, it is possible to purify the blood in a hangover state with this drink continuously.

Excellent for this situation is suitable recipe using juniper, onion husks and dogrose.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

The ingredients are ground, poured into water and cooked for 10 minutes. Prepare a remedy on the threshold of a hangover, since it should be infused overnight. The filtered infusion is consumed within 24 hours. No more drinking should be.

If the state has not improved after the use of folk remedies, a special brigade should be called up. Trained physicians will promptly spend at home with the help of a dropper purifying blood from the elements of decomposition of alcohol.